DDMSvcCC Developers Marco Description DDMSvcCC is a server that can be used to resolge ATLAS Globally Unique file IDs (GUID) to DataSet names or Logical File Na...
How to ... DQ2 at UofC (Subscriptions, ...) The one in this page is an example of how to use DQ2 at UC. It is not aimed to substitute official and more complete ...
Tier2 Data Services To Do Introduction This page is for planning the tasks to prototype and deploy the lists the Tier2 DataServices. It has lists with tasks done...
Setup of Data Services Machine prototype Introduction A Data Services Machine is meant to be a machine that lives at a Tier2 Center as a VO edge server, dedicate...
Transferring Datasets to UC dCache Purpose Transfer datasets for local analysis and for dataset skimming service (DDS) system development, part of the UC/ANL Tie...
DssCVS Introduction This is the CVS info page for the Dataset Skimming Service project. CERN CVS Area Instructions on how to use the CERN ATLAS CVS Reposito...
Tier2 Data Skimming Service (DSS) Questions about the Data Skimming Service 1 Given a selection of events (obtained how? represented how?), skim the select...
DssPrototype Developers Jerry, Jack, Marco Description A simple end to end skimming service prototype. * Create a TAG database, given an AOD. * Process to...
Hi Marco, There is some information on using the POOL Collection utilities at http://lcgapp.cern.ch/project/persist/currentReleaseDoc/UserGuide/Collection_Referen...
Installing OSG Client, gLite client, and DQ2 user tools Introduction This page covers the installation of different DQ2 tools at UofC. For an introduction and in...
Attending David, Sasha, Jack, Paul, Marco, Rob, Richard Hansen (welcome), Ed Twiki issues * Currently using http://pgl.uchicago.edu/twiki/bin/view/ATLAS/DataS...
Attending * Marco, Jack, Rob, Tom, David, Paul * Next meeting invite Dan. Pathena * Jack ran pathena at brookahven; general checkout. * Pathena is a ...
Attending * Marco, Jack, Rob, Tom, David * Next meeting invite Dan. Pathena * Jack is exploring running pathena at brookahven; general checkout. * In...
NotesMay2 Web framework * Marco has been working on the django framework allows one to do web apps in python. Has a prototype running, but not many functio...
Notes from 5/31/06 Initial Questions * Question about space requirement for databases 1 TB of space. This will be for calibration and Tags. * If you hos...
LFC min Introduction This package is OBSOLETE. It has been replaced by LCG Utils included in VDT. This page is left here for historical reason and to provide mor...
Panda Pilot Submitter Overview This documentation refers to a web based Panda pilot submission interface. This web frontend provides access to a number of Pan...
Hi Marco, I wrote up, as far as I could remember, the steps I took to install the latest version of the site services at Glasgow. This is at http://ppewww.ph.gla....
SkimBrowser Developers Jerry Inputs web form with user selection, data from the SkimDatabase. The data exisiting in the SkimDatabase is created by the SkimPubl...
SkimComposer Developers Marco Inputs Fields from a web form. An existing webservice which might be utilized is SQLTuple JSP. Predefined skims Outputs SQL quer...
SkimDatabase Developers Marco Description Contains the state and histories of active and archived skims. Dependencies A functional MySQL database server. Mai...
SkimExtractor Developers Marco, Jerry Inputs * all global environment variables defined in the DSS configuraiton file (see skimSelector) * collection usab...
SkimNotification Developers Marco, Jerry Description Notify user or analysis group of skim status (complete, failed, milestone hit in progress). Dependencies ...
SkimPublisher Developers Marco Inputs Messages and updates will come from various components in the system. In particular: * From SkimSelector Messages ...
SkimRegistrar Developers Marco Inputs Skimmed dataset (name and files local PFNs) Outputs Registered DS: LRC registration and DS in DDM Data for the bookkee...
SkimSelector Developers Jerry, Marco Inputs 1. full path to a configuration file identifying all job variables needed in the workflow of both skimSelector an...
SkimTest061212 Description This tests executes the chain done on a smaller sample in DssPrototype. Here the skim is executed on the whole dataset (instead of 250...
SkimUtil Developers Marco Inputs File, where to move it to Outputs File movement, catalog registration if requested Task Description It has been packaged in ...
Issues Affecting Use of MySQL TAG DB on tier2 06 Basic Info * reader, writer and admin accounts * database = tier2tagdb * Note, the mysql set up by the...
Looking at the TAG Data Root Files The main tool for making plots is root anyway, so one of the first trials was simply to chain together the produced TAG.root ...
TagNavigatorTool Introduction This is the Twiki page for TNT, the ATLAS Tag Navigator Tool. TNT is a utility which aims to allow ATLAS physicists to use the Ta...
TagNavigatorToolOsg Introduction THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!! This twiki page is intended to document a set of exercises performed using the TagNavigatorT...
Luc provided information on drivers (cx_Oracle and Oracle library) and example of Tier0 API Gancho/Florbela created account: atlas_t0_w1/XXX Jack provided list of...
User Interface to TAG Data Services Note that this is a list of desireables which will not necessarily be implemented in a prototype but that the prototype shoul...
DQ2 Installation UC DQ2 Server DQ2 being installed on uct2 grid1 A script of he installation is being created to document it (script /tmp/dq2install.txt) We cho...
Tests on Creating TAGS Introduction The purpose of these sets of tests is to ascertain the ease and or difficulty in creating a TAG database starting with an AOD...
Using DQ2 End User Tools This is quite old and so not all information is likely to be correct. Overview There are different tools for interacting with the DDM ...
Using Pathena at the MWT2 This is the description of Pathena given on the DAonPanda pathena is a glue script to submit user defined jobs to distributed analysis ...
Tier2 Data Services Monthly statistics (calculate) Overview A number of Tier2 centric data services need to be operational in order to efficiently use the cl...
DataServices Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the DataServices web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . a...