Meeting November 14
Tuesday 11/14 at 2.00pm Chicago time
Phone conference ESNet Call: 510-665-5437
When: November 14, 2006, 02:30 PM America/Chicago
Meeting ID: 22333
- Review planning and project
- news
- set action items
Attending: Jack, Jerry, Ed, Marco, Robert
Jerry: access do dcache stored files. Ran Athena succesfully.
Jack: from Julius Web service. Look at thing, do plots.
connected to the DB at tier2-06, now one of the supported ones.
Ed: the program queries the schema, gets the names of the columns.
allows to draw 2/3D plots giving the names of the variables (distributions, one vs one other)
cuts, selection, slider control histograms.
Interesting level of analysis on the DB (eg 10000ev->1000ev) to select a significant amount of events and work with Athena on it.
Julius stuff is a canned element that already works but the presenter is JAS and not root and phisicists know how to use root and not JAS
Users want to see what they are cutting on.
2 give them something more dynamic
root files would have to be regenerated each time there ae changes
Tag DB has to scale -> multiple tables
tags for raw data sample 2GB, then breas down...
we do know the schema, it may be split in multiple similar schemas.
- simple web interface
- root files
- JAS3
Interface root directly to the DB and do some plots.
To prototype and understand what people like we can start to use JAS
Fixed set of histograms and cuts (std)
Check with julius if he can provide an output format that can be used programmatically.
Skim selector produces pieces that can be used as input in an Athena job
Skim publisher - accounting+proveneance/bookkeeping of DSS: how the skim was obtained
Temporary output that can be captured registered and used at a later time from the skim extractor.
root collection = root file = file format of the content of the DB (guid for the file, offset into the file)
Group of root files partitioned by guid (outout of the skim selector)
Output of the skim selector will not contain the values of the cuts
skim DB is getting pieces of information from each step
extraction of minimum information needed not to re-extract it from the DB
- review the project writing on the twiki
- meeting Wed 3.30pm
- prepare for the sample run
- sample run monday morning at Argonne
MarcoMambelli - 14 Nov 2006