Luc provided information on drivers (cx_Oracle and Oracle library) and example of Tier0 API

Gancho/Florbela created account: atlas_t0_w1/XXX

Jack provided list of useful Datasets

Meeting Friday 10/12 to clarify doubts/questions

Follow notes from a manual test

Dataset subscription

Subscription of one of the datasets recommended by Jack

A machine with AFS is required since interacting with a LCG Site
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ source /share/app/dq2/ 
LCG_LOCATION not defined. Copies to/from LCG sites may not work.
You may consider setting up the LCG environment by sourcing one of the 2 following lines:
 source /afs/
 source /afs/
NB You need AFS access (e.g. from tier2-u2)
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$  source /afs/
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ dq2-list-subscription trig1_misal1_mc12.017901.PythiaB_Bd_KstarMuMu_Signal_F.merge.TAG.v12000605
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ grid-proxy-init
Your identity: /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ................................................................. Done
Your proxy is valid until: Fri Oct 12 21:05:59 2007
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ dq2-register-subscription trig1_misal1_mc12.017901.PythiaB_Bd_KstarMuMu_Signal_F.merge.TAG.v12000605 CERNCAF
Dataset trig1_misal1_mc12.017901.PythiaB_Bd_KstarMuMu_Signal_F.merge.TAG.v12000605 subscribed (archived: 0) to CERNCAF.
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ dq2-list-subscription trig1_misal1_mc12.017901.PythiaB_Bd_KstarMuMu_Signal_F.merge.TAG.v12000605

Finding files in a SE

$ dq2_ls -vfp -s CERNCAF trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
get file info from
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605   Total: 2  - Local: 2
Some notes about dq2_ls:
  • TTL of the proxy has to be > 3 hours
  • specify the SE if you want the file list, else dq2_ls will consider only the local SE (tell you if there are files in the local SE)

For the registration you need information that should be in the file catalog. I don't know of a way to query the LFC (in LRC a query to the DB would do but there is no public API as well)

To copy the files and get file information:

Some notes about dq2_get:

Full details

[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ dq2_ls -vfp trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605   Total: 2  - Local: 0
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ dq2_ls -vfp -s CERNCAF trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
get file info from
..send2nsd: NS002 - send error : No valid credential found

trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605   Total: 2  - Local: 0
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ grid-proxy-info
subject  : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802/CN=proxy
issuer   : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802
identity : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802
type     : full legacy globus proxy
strength : 512 bits
path     : /tmp/x509up_u1195
timeleft : 2:30:45
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ grid-proxy-init 
Your identity: /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ........................................... Done
Your proxy is valid until: Sat Oct 13 06:35:23 2007
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ dq2_ls -vfp -s CERNCAF trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
get file info from
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605   Total: 2  - Local: 2
[marco@tier2-u2 marco]$ dq2_ls -vf -s CERNCAF trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
get file info from
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605   Total: 2  - Local: 2
More difficult is getting files characteristics. Getting the files failed:
[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ dq2_get -vr -d /home/marco/dataset trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
2 files are missing in the local SE
Some files are missing in the local storage
They are in the following sites;
 0 : scan all sites
 1 : CERN     - Incomplete Replica
 2 : SARA     - Incomplete Replica
Which site to retrieve them from ? [0-2] : 1
get SURLs from
srmcp -retry_num=1 -streams_num=10 -x509_user_trusted_certificates=/afs/ srm:// file:////home/marco/dataset/trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00002.pool.root.1
srmcp -retry_num=1 -streams_num=10 -x509_user_trusted_certificates=/afs/ srm:// file:////home/marco/dataset/trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1
Total:2 - Failed:0
[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ ls -al
total 8
drwxrwxr-x    2 marco    marco           6 Oct 12 18:46 .
drwxr-xr-x   36 marco    marco        4096 Oct 12 18:46 ..

[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ . /share/app/wn_client/ 
[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ which srmcp
[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ which java
[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ dq2_get -vr -d /home/marco/dataset trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
2 files are missing in the local SE
Some files are missing in the local storage
They are in the following sites;
 0 : scan all sites
 1 : CERN     - Incomplete Replica
 2 : SARA     - Incomplete Replica
Which site to retrieve them from ? [0-2] : 1
get SURLs from
..send2nsd: NS002 - send error : No valid credential found

WARNING : Replica is incomplete
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1 is not found
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00002.pool.root.1 is not found
Total:0 - Failed:0
[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ dq2_ls trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ dq2_get -vr -d /home/marco/dataset -s CERNCAF trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
2 files are missing in the local SE
get SURLs from
..send2nsd: NS002 - send error : No valid credential found

WARNING : Replica is incomplete
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1 is not found
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00002.pool.root.1 is not found
Total:0 - Failed:0

[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ dq2_get -vr -g -d /home/marco/dataset -s CERNCAF trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605
2 files are missing in the local SE
get SURLs from
..send2nsd: NS002 - send error : No valid credential found

WARNING : Replica is incomplete
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1 is not found
trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00002.pool.root.1 is not found
Total:0 - Failed:0

[marco@tier2-u2 dataset]$ grid-proxy-info
subject  : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802/CN=proxy
issuer   : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802
identity : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Marco Mambelli 325802
type     : full legacy globus proxy
strength : 512 bits
path     : /tmp/x509up_u1195
timeleft : 11:40:02

from panda monitoring you get only the guid:

Dataset loading on Tier0

Python Oracle driver installed on /local/inst/oracle:
pacman -get $PROD:cx_Oracle-4.3.1
Version number from python -c "import cx_Oracle;print cx_Oracle.version": 4.3.1
Versions may be different, check in the directory

Workspace /local/work/tier0test

API documentation (from Eowyn source)

The meening of the parameters is not always clear
def __init__(self, _logmgr=None, _dbaccount=None, _dbpw=None, _dbname=None, _dbhost=None) :
def insertDataset(self,datasetname,type,writer1,reader1, partnr, ddm='NONE',t1='NONE',sfo='UNKNOWN',maxsfo=1, atomic=True) :
  # returns ecode
 def updateDataset(self,dsname,partnr=None,writer1=None,reader1=None, ddm=None, t1=None, ami=None, atomic=True) :
  # returns ecode
def insertFiles(self,files) :
  # returns ecode
  # files = [(dsname,lfn,size,guid,md5,state,pfn,nrevents)]
def setFilesState(self,files,newstate) :
  # returns ecode
  # files = [(dsname,lfn)]
def getFiles(self,dataset=None) :
   # returns ecode, [(filename,filesize,guid,md5,pfn)]
def getDatasets(self,writer1=None,reader1=None,type=None,ddm=None) :
  # returns ecode, [(datasetname,type,writer1,reader1,ddm,t1)]

Test 1: Manual loading

Try to load one of the DS complete according to Jack: trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605

[marco@tier2-06 tier0prod]$ python
Python 2.2.3 (#1, Jun 14 2007, 21:13:53) 
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-58)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from Eowyn import ProdDBProxyOracle
Protocol version OK
>>> pdb=ProdDBProxyOracle.ProdDBProxyOracle(None,'atlas_t0','XXX', 'atlas_t0_w1')
>>> pdb.connect()
>>>> PDBORA:connect:0 trying to connect to prodDB (pdb v1.128 sup v? pro v1.34)
>>>> PDBORA:connect:0 ERROR: connection to prodDB failed cx_Oracle.DatabaseError ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

>>> pdb=ProdDBProxyOracle.ProdDBProxyOracle(None,'atlas_t0_w1','XXX', 'atlas_t0')
>>> pdb.connect()
>>>> PDBORA:connect:0 trying to connect to prodDB (pdb v1.128 sup v? pro v1.34)
>>>> PDBORA:connect:0 connected to prodDB

Inserting Dataset following Luc's example. I don't know the menaning of many of the parameters.
  • Are reader ad writer statuses (FILLING, NONE)?
  • Is TAGMC a correct type? Is it there a list of valid types?
  • Should I specify the ddn since I know that the files are at CERNCAF?
'>>> pdb.insertDataset('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605', 'TAGMC','FILLING','NONE',0)
'>>>> PDBORA:insertDataset:9 CALLED with ('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605', 'TAGMC', 'FILLING', 'NONE', 0, 'NONE', 'NONE')
'>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> executing INSERT INTO DATASET (datasetname,type,writer1,reader1,partnr,ddm,t1,sfo,maxsfo) VALUES ('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605','TAGMC','FILLING','NONE',0,'NONE','NONE','UNKNOWN',1)
'>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> varmap {}
'>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 SQL update took : 226 ms
'>>>> PDBORA:insertDataset:5 INSERT dataset took 226ms
'>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB ...
'>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB done
'>>>> PDBORA:insertDataset:9 RETURNS ok
'ok' Files insertion not executed because unable to retrieve file size and MD5 sum.
  • Why are file size and md5 sum necessary? Shouldn't the catalog have them?
  • What is the last parameter?
  • Why status NONE?
>>> pdb.insertFiles([('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605', 'trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1',size,'33c8a02f-fd2d-4738-bd8a-9cc64e7e67c9',md5,'NONE', '/castor/', 100)

After Luc suggestion to add the files anyway (even without MD5 and file_size) since Tier0 those are put in the DB but not really used so far (coming from Panda experience where these are essential I stopped), I went ahead and added 2 files and closed the Dataset in Tier0.
  • Had to reopen DB connection
  • These values are incorrect (but necessary to get us going for now): size=0 and md5=''
  • Keep in ming that the dataset is open (files may be added in the future)
>>> pdb.connect()
>>>> PDBORA:connect:0 trying to connect to prodDB (pdb v1.128 sup v? pro v1.34)
>>>> PDBORA:connect:0 connected to prodDB
>>> size=0
>>> md5=''
>>> pdb.insertFiles([('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605', 'trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1',size,'33c8a02f-fd2d-4738-bd8a-9cc64e7e67c9',md5,'NONE', '/castor/', 100)])
>>>> PDBORA:insertFiles:9 CALLED with [('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605', 'trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1', 0, '33c8a02f-fd2d-4738-bd8a-9cc64e7e67c9', '', 'NONE', '/castor/', 100)]
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> executing INSERT INTO tomfile (datasetname,filename,filesize,guid,md5,state,pfn,nrevents) VALUES ('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605','trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00001.pool.root.1',0,'33c8a02f-fd2d-4738-bd8a-9cc64e7e67c9','','NONE','/castor/',100) 
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> varmap {}
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 SQL update took : 347 ms
>>>> PDBORA:insertFiles:5 INSERT one file took 347ms
>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB ...
>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB done
>>>> PDBORA:insertFiles:9 RETURNS ok
>>> pdb.insertFiles([('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605', 'trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00002.pool.root.1', size,'b43354c2-3d4f-43ec-ad53-7755dba8e3b4', '', 'NONE', '/castor/', 100)])
>>>> PDBORA:insertFiles:9 CALLED with [('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605', 'trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00002.pool.root.1', 0, 'b43354c2-3d4f-43ec-ad53-7755dba8e3b4', '', 'NONE', '/castor/', 100)]
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> executing INSERT INTO tomfile (datasetname,filename,filesize,guid,md5,state,pfn,nrevents) VALUES ('trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605','trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605_tid010206._00002.pool.root.1',0,'b43354c2-3d4f-43ec-ad53-7755dba8e3b4','','NONE','/castor/',100) 
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> varmap {}
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 SQL update took : 196 ms
>>>> PDBORA:insertFiles:5 INSERT one file took 196ms
>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB ...
>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB done
>>>> PDBORA:insertFiles:9 RETURNS ok
>>> pdb.updateDataset('foobar.TAG',writer1='FILLED')
>>>> PDBORA:updateDataset:9 CALLED with ('foobar.TAG', None, 'FILLED', None)
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> executing UPDATE DATASET SET  writer1 = :w1 WHERE datasetname = :ds 
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 --> varmap {'ds': 'foobar.TAG', 'w1': 'FILLED'}
>>>> PDBORA:updateSQL:10 SQL update took : 4411 ms
>>>> PDBORA:updateDataset:5 UPDATE dataset took 4411ms
>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB ...
>>>> PDBORA:commit:10 committing prodDB done
>>>> PDBORA:updateDataset:9 RETURNS ok
>>> pdb.close()
>>>> PDBORA:close:0 Trying to close connection to prodDB
>>>> PDBORA:close:0 Connection to prodDB closed

End result of Test 1: Manual loading

Dataset trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605 with its current 2 files is loaded in the Tier0DB and set to FILLED (ready for action)

  • Dataset trig1_misal1_mc12.006352.AcerMC_Zbb_2e.merge.TAG.v12000605 is declared open in DQ2: files may be added to it in the future
  • [file] size and md5 contain bogus values (size=0 and md5='')

-- MarcoMambelli - 12 Oct 2007

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
tagnotes-datasets.txttxt tagnotes-datasets.txt manage 5 K 12 Oct 2007 - 23:07 MarcoMambelli TAG datasets (complete and incomplete) recommended by Jack
tagnotes-tier0API.txttxt tagnotes-tier0API.txt manage 3 K 12 Oct 2007 - 22:51 MarcoMambelli Luc's email - Tier0 API in Eowyn
Topic revision: r4 - 19 Oct 2007, MarcoMambelli
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