Hi Marco,
There is some information on using the POOL Collection utilities at http://lcgapp.cern.ch/project/persist/currentReleaseDoc/UserGuide/Collection_ReferenceManual.html
See section 23.2 on "Command line tools".
Jack knows quite a lot about these (more than I do), but the way I use them is for things like
CollAppend.exe -src rome_003047_merge_H3_120_gamgam_AOD_tags MySQLltCollection -srcconnect mysql://reader@lxfs6021.cern.ch/CollectionsRome -dst myEvents RootCollection -query 'NElectron > 2'
which extracts all events with NElectron > 2 from the collection called rome_003047_merge_H3_120_gamgam_AOD_tags in the database called
mysql://reader@lxfs6021.cern.ch/CollectionsRome, for example.
-- RobGardner - 07 Aug 2006