50 recent changes in ITB Web retrieved at 14:49 (GMT)

OSG Integration at UChicago Introduction This twiki web is focused on Integration activities at U Chicago. See also OSG @ UC for other OSG activities at UC. Da...
UltraLightKernel Jan 19 2012 UltraLightKernel 3.2.1 Released 1 http://www.mwt2.org/~nathany/UL/ Nov 1 2011 UltraLightKernel 3.1 rc4 Released Built to get...
OSG End User Tools Introduction These exercises introduce you to some simple Grid activities. They will give you the necessary skills to begin using OSG for your...
TestWNClient0711 Testing of OSG WN Client in ITB 1.1.33 (07/2011). Background This version of worker node client includes updated LFC bindings for both 32 and 6...
Testing the new LFC package from VDT Introduction This page presents the tests on the new LFC package from VDT providing python LFC bindings for Python 2.4, 2.5 ...
NodesAllocation Existing machines Name Primary Job Notes itb2.uchicago.edu NFS server for home directories itb3.uchicago.edu MediaWiki i...
XRootD FRM Release Matrix release filename source url version author notes release date xrootd 3.0.3 1 cern git 3.0.3 1 Lukasz Janyst spec in...
MinutesOSGUC110405 Marco installed ui cr and is testing campus factory on itb4 Marco will move the ui * machines to kvm4 that currently is unused Nate will provid...
MinutesOSGUC110329 Glide in WMS (Marco) * This is the VO front end: contains four parts: user pool collector (a Condor collector); glide in VO front end pyt...
Jobview install / configuration PBS version should be installed on the system running maui and scheduling jobs so accounting and job logs don't need to be shipped...
Introduction Deprecated links and old information for ITB efforts Deprecated Tier3 nodes These are physical machines that were in part used for ITB purposes and ...
Minutes Mar 1 Report Nate * Routing fixed: if you have an external IP you need to set the internal IP (you need to have an internal IP for Cobbler installatio...
MediaWikiInstallation Getting started * Machine: itb3 * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_guide * Requirements: PHP5 or later, a databas...
Minutes Mar 1 Report Nate installed c001, c002, c003 MWT2 repo has been updated with security updates for SL5.5 Installed * itbv mon * itbv web routing p...
Minutes Feb 22 Report Nate installed c001 Suchandra has been working on koan rules for the ITB * rules changed to use paravirtualized disk (libIO) and network...
Minutes Feb 15 Plan for the week Plan for public IP assignments: * 10 IPs for ITB (7 rolled over, 3 new) * virtual Tier 3 for now can run using private IP...
PerformanceCharacterizationForVM Introduction In order to understand the tradeoffs between I/O performance using different ways of setting up virtual drives for ...
Minutes Jan 25 Allocation of the new nodes Tasks for storage node preparation: * commission 8024F (10GB switch) Aaron * test the 10 GB throughput Storage ...
VMwareInfrastructure Introduction A page to gather notes on virtualization infrastructure relevant for OSG related activities (ITB, workshops, Tier 3 support, et...
ITB CVMFS Squid Installation CVMFS is installed on itbv cvmfs.mwt2.org which is only internally accessible on the MWT2 lan. itbv cvmfs is a VMWare SL55 machine wi...
Machines being modified The ITB systems are being modified to update their OS to the latest version and to being the ITB machines under configuration management....
Introduction Steps taken to upgrade from the vdt 2.4.8 dcache distribution to vdt 3.0.1 dcache distribution. The upgrade involved a change from using pnfs to chi...
DrupalInstall Installation * using itb3 and same mysql db as mw * Download into /opt * Copied settings file, create files directory (see instructions...
root@itb3 maintenance # php update.php aconf ../AdminSettings.php MediaWiki 1.16.0beta3 Updater Going to run database updates for wikidb mw_osg Depending on the ...
root@itb3 maintenance # php update.php aconf ../AdminSettings.php MediaWiki 1.16.0beta3 Updater Going to run database updates for wikidb mw_osg Depending on the ...
Drupal Site Stuck Offline? Here's How to Unlock It Quick instructions for removing offline status in the database Adapted from: Author: M Butcher Date: 2008 06 25...
GratiaInstallation Introduction To deploy a test instance of a Gratia collector to collect accounting information. Installation Starting from Gratia instruction...
MatchMakingService Introduction Setup a match making service like the one used by the OSG Engage group. Installation * Instructions: http://osgmm.sourceforge...
ReSSinstallation Introduction To deploy a test instance of a ReSS collector (version v1.3) for use in Condor match making. Installation * Starting from here,...
GridColombiaWorkshopInfrastructure Introduction A page to gather notes on infrastructure to support the OSG Grid Colombia workshop being organized here. * Als...
AggregatorBDII Introduction Setup a test instance of an aggregator service (for data collected from CEMon services running at sites) and BDII index server. Inst...
SettingUpWorkshopProxies Generating training certificates First request a certificate: * Requesting certificates using the "Cert Scripts" package in OSG clien...
AdobeConnectAdminNotes Introduction * We will attempt to use Adobe Connect to support remote participation in the workshop * The URL for the meeting is: ht...
train98@gsu1 ~ $ source /opt/client/setup.sh train98@gsu1 ~ $ cert request help usage is : /opt/client/cert scripts/bin/cert request in filename v...
ReSSServer Introduction Changes made to ress server Basics * VM on ESXi install on itb esx1.uchicago.edu. * Running SL 5.3. * ReSS installed Main...
MMServer Introduction Changes made to matchmaker server Basics * VM on ESXi install on itb esx1.uchicago.edu. * Running SL 5.3 * OSG matchmaker insta...
UserServer Introduction Changes made to user submit machine Basics VM on ESXi install on itb esx1.uchicago.edu. Running SL 5.3. Pacman and OSG client installs...
DocBooksInfrastructure Introduction How to generate grid school tutorials using DocBooks. Recipe for fetching and modifying source * You must have rights to ...
VOMSInstallation Introduction Instructions for setting up a VOMS server for a hypothetical VO. References * http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/VOMS documentation.html ...
GridColombiaCache Introduction This will be a temporary Pacman cache to hold packages designed specifically for the prototype Grid Colombia grid. This cache wil...
BogotaProxyServer Introduction * This page describes notes for preparing a local Squid service for use in the laboratory at Universidad de Javeriana site. ...
root@itb3 www # yum enablerepo remi install php gd Loading "kernel module" plugin Setting up Install Process Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata ...
MediaWikiInstallationPrerequisites Summary * Preparations to use itb3.uchicago.edu for Media Wiki for OSG documentation testing. * MySQL 5.1.34 * Apache...
Getting started * What's available? root@itb3 ~ # yum info php Loading "kernel module" plugin Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata in from loca...
Build from source * Will have to install from source, or find an rpm. * From PHP website, root@itb3 opt # wget http://www.php.net/get/php 5.2.9.tar.gz/...
SurveyorDevelopment Overview * Code: part of the jobmonitor project in SVN. References * See Main.RobertVeitch 's effort reports Main.RobGardner 15 Ap...
GraphToolNotes Installation * Installed on uct3 edge5.uchicago.edu * Followed http://t2.unl.edu/documentation/graphtool/yum based install Reference * h...
DjangoWebNotes Initial installation * Host: uct3 edge5.uchicago.edu 2009 04 14 I asked Marco to look into the problem of hosting multiple projects with dj...
ITBBestmanXrootd Setup * Using bestman/xrootd as found in itb cache and following instructions given by storage team. * itb1: bestman, xrootdfs, fuse, grid...
InstallConfigDjango Overview This page describes the installation and configuration of the Django web framework. Installation (initial) * Installed following...
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Topic revision: r2 - 28 Mar 2005, ProjectContributor
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