50 recent changes in SBIR Web retrieved at 17:31 (GMT)

Statistics for SBIR Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
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SBIR Meeting, Jun 8, 2007 Introduction * Coordinates: 10am Chicago; 1 510 665 5437 #1122 * Attending: Rob, Paul, Suchandra, Ravi, Maciej * Last meetin...
SBIR Project Meeting notes and action items * NotesJun8 * NotesJun1 * NotesMay18 * NotesMay4 * NotesApr27 * NotesApr13 * NotesApr6 * Not...
SBIR Meeting, Jun 1, 2007 Introduction * Coordinates: 10am Chicago; 1 510 665 5437 #1122 * Attending: Rob, Paul, Suchandra, Ravi * Last meeting: Notes...
SBIR Meeting, May 18, 2007 Introduction * Coordinates: 1 510 665 5437 #1122 * Attending: Rob, Paul, Suchandra * Last meeting: NotesMay4 From last meet...
SBIR Meeting, May 4, 2007 Introduction * Coordinates: 1 510 665 5437 #1122 * Attending: Rob, Paul, * Last meeting: NotesApr27 Follow up from last meet...
SBIR Meeting, April 27, 2007 Introduction * Coordinates: 1 510 665 5437 #1122 * Attending: Paul, Suchandra, Rob * Last meeting: NotesApr13 Follow up f...
SBIR Meeting, April 13, 2007 Introduction * Coordinates: 1 510 665 5437 #1122 * Attending: tbd * Last meeting: NotesApr6 Paul's investigations * Su...
SBIR Meeting, April 6, 2007 Introduction * Coordinates: 1 510 665 5437 #1122 * Attending: Maciej, Paul, Suchandra Notes * Paul is downloading ODE and ...
SBIR Statement of Work Initial project development * Definition of key test/validation processes, stack ranked. RG 2/14/07: see front page for defined use...
SRM is a protocol that specifies an interface to storage resources. Here we will use an implementation provided by the http://www.dcache.org/ project. Suchandra...
* Main.RobGardner rwg #64;hep.uchicago.edu * Main.PaulBrown paulrbrown #64;gmail.com * Main.SuchandraThapa sthapa #64;ci.uchicago.edu * mszefler #6...
SBIR Meeting, Jan 18, 2007 Attending * Paul, Rob, Suchandra Discussion * Discussion of validation process * See Apache ODE, download and build via Mave...
Notes from Nov 17 Telecon * 2x2 core machines (8Gb RAM) to virtualize * Need a more organized testbed for services. Where to start? Need a framework for ...
SBIR Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the SBIR web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can...
Foswiki's SBIR web
" warn="off"}% * * * * * * * *
" else="Foswiki's SBIR web"}% /SBIR
Number of topics: 25

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Mar 2005, ProjectContributor
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