L1Calo Trigger Calibration

Special Runs Needed for L1Calo calibration

See the notes from the Combined L1Calo+Tile+Larg calibration workshop for a to-do list.

  1. Continuity Patterns
    • Need Athena software to analyze these runs
  2. PMT Scans
    • Need Athena software that will update Tile channel status DB
  3. Physics run (with beam) where D-cell calibration is nominal
  4. Noise run * Need a run with all PMTs and then a sweep of each PMT
  5. Energy scan
  6. Cross-talk run * Pulsing all towers except a few random towers not pulsing

L1Calo/Tile Calibration Issues

  1. Athena algorithms that search for bad PMTs in 'PMT scans'
  2. Determine the maximum intensity that the laser can be operated in the long gap
  3. Get the extended CisPar fragment working in TDAQ
  4. Access to Metadata (CisPar fragment)

Tile Trigger Pulse Overshoot Problem

Possible problem: Amplifier goes into saturation, looses feedback and then starts operating in a non-linear fashion. Possible solutions: Choose a different amplifier or put in a clamping diode in feedback

List of talks with more information

-- MonicaDunford - 21 May 2009

Topic revision: r4 - 17 Aug 2009, MonicaDunford
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