
  1. figure out why grid11 sdb is rsynced
  2. migration ntpd off mgt
  3. uc3-mgt mail gw
  4. wan syslog acl
  5. uc3 backup
  6. sort out vdt repo , add xroot to main repo, add it to all cnodes
  7. audit uc3 static routes
  8. hot-standby VM system
  9. no condor docs on starting/stopping
  10. cat /mnt/pnfs-admin/admin/etc/config/dCache/dcache.confcat dcache.conf : uct2-s1.uchicago.edu:22125
  11. grid9 nfs mounts vs uct3-s1 9k MTU
  12. cobbler backup
  13. osg-gk resize
  14. tier3 cvmfs
  15. jira https
  16. /share/root 32b install for t3
  17. s11-13 xrootd mon
  18. learn space token adjust
  19. lfc /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Nurcan Ozturk 18551 (104,109,105,153,103,101) from uct2-6509.uchicago.edu
  20. no pdu39 in netinv?
  21. prelink removal for rpm -V
  22. www https
  23. revisit iotop rpm
  24. plot power Same, except converting to power (kW or KVA)
  25. Make one grand plot with the sum over all PDU's (each PDU represented by the 3-phase sum of A or power)


  1. move uct3-xrd to kvm due to the bare metal host having problems rebooting after a power failiure (flakey bios)
  2. mov uct2-mgt ldap to uct3-ldap kvm & rename ldap host to uct3-ldap (or just replace ldap with puppet acounts)
  3. uct3-c009 afs broken "kernel: You must reload the AFS kernel extensions before remounting AFS"
  4. add xrootd-status-probe to monitor tier3 xrootd via nagios
  5. upgrade uct3-edge3 to SL55 from SL4x
  6. upgrade uct3-c001 and 2 from SL53 to SL55
  7. move uct3-edge2 pbs server into uct3-pbs kvm
  8. upgrade uct3-edge2 to SL55
  9. add pbsnodes check for /atlas
  10. t3 static routes


  1. monitor wall
  2. disable reboot mails
  3. tier2-X nagios setup
  4. plugin wall display in proto to something
  5. syslog-ng change to something elese
  6. http://www.cdwg.com/shop/products/default.aspx?edc=508448&enkwrd=ALLPROD%3a%28RBC27%29 3000XL Smart-ups
  7. sudo
  8. therm_209a.png
  9. proto router refresh 1 proto ganglia


  1. Netflow TCAM threshold exceeded, TCAM Utilization
  2. http://www.ovirt.org/
  3. xfs_db -c frag -r /dev/sdb
  4. etckeeper
  5. grid5 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7561482 SYN cookies?
  6. fundamentals regarding performance on the tier3 system. What kind of read & write performance can we get into tier3 xrdd system, and by which methods (xrdcp copy into, copy from, using multiple clients; or, using posix access via xrootdfs).
  7. http://xrootd.org/doc/prod/xrd_monitoring.htm
  8. xroot mod /usr/local req FRM Fwd: Reference xrootd site for Tier 3
  9. http://linat05.grid.umich.edu/web10g/ move fwd UL3 changes to 2.6.39
  10. job counter script
  11. cruft detector atlas job
  12. myri10ge_max_slices=X
  13. Enable USB autosuspend by adding usbcore.autosuspend=1 to grub
  14. http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/GoogleAnalyticsPlugin
  15. post kernel config diff
  16. bnc? http://docs.us.dell.com/support/systemsinfo/document.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=hied&~file=/software/svradmin/1.9/en/ug/plat.htm solproxy http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2006-January/024025.html
  17. btrfs
  18. kdump kernel build http://lse.sourceforge.net/kdump/kdump-test-reports/test-plan.txt
  19. 6248 and 8024 cpu graphs
  20. bnl certify autorenew? by john hover jhover@bnl
  21. fs_mark
  22. ipmi twiki
  23. hammercloud tests
  24. "Intel (R) QPI Bandwidth priority set to compute or IO
  25. trace strace replacement http://lwn.net/Articles/415728/
  26. mptsas module out of data on dell cnodes : 3.04.17 Minimum Required Driver Version :
  27. pxe http://onesis.sourceforge.net/ + cobbler
  28. bashish
  29. failover domain http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3/docs/html/rh-cs-en-3/s1-config-failover-domain.html
  30. nfs failover
  31. ossim
  32. spacewalk kickstart management
  33. SNMP Research
  34. Cacti Research
  35. Backup Research
  36. selinux on worker node rnd
  37. mwt2 xscreensaver
  38. tripwire
  39. keep puppet keys
  40. drop nc serial redirector on cobble?
Topic revision: r858 - 19 Mar 2012, NathanYehle
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