Micro Things That Make Life Easier
Key propagation
Components are:
- Public authentication
or equivalent mechanism to exchange ssh-agent information between shells
- key forwarding
A guide:
3 Interesting articles from IBM research:
Some guides at Gentoo:
I'm using Gnome and I noticed a process
/usr/bin/ssh-agent -- gnome-session
Being optimistic (here

) I tried ssh-add and it worked, keeping the keys also opening new shells. I guess that ssh-agent and gnome set up a keychain equivalent configuration.
Do not mix
, used to manage PGP keys.
Keep always in mind which host you consider trusted hos and which not. Using different keys you can build hierarchies of trust.
A more trustful of B if A has private key to access B (= in authorized_keys of B)
ssh -i < priv_key_file > < host >
: use key in
priv_key_file to access
ssh -A < host >
: forward the agent (or the key) to your ssh connection
Some useful option in aah-add:
ssh-add -l
: to list fingerprint and name of the currently loaded keys
ssh-add -D
: to remove all the loaded keys
ssh-add -d < key >
: to remove a specific key
A workaround to shared directories: if a host has a shared $HOME directory with other hosts but you want a private key to be usable only on that host put the key on a directory that you own local on the host and
3rd party scp
is not forwarding keys/agent as default and the option
-o AgentForward=yes
is ineffective. The option has to be put in a
file in your
directory in order to be effective and allow commands like:
scp srchost:srcfile dsthost:dstfile
CERN authentication is complicated by the use of AFS. Documentation is contraddictory.
Does CERN support SSH-2?
ssh -A tier2-06
(with both _ring and _heplab keys loaded in the agent): key forwarding and passwordless login work for CVS access
still is not working and asks for password.
Other HEP Laboratories
At BNL Keys have to be uploaded here for RCF/ACF (e.g. atlasgw.bnl.gov):
Scripts etc
Simple notes
# simple note taking
alias note "echo `date +'
m%d %H:%M - '` ${1} >> ~/Documents/notes.txt"
On mac you can use also pbcut and pbpaste
Remember to install optional software and XCode from the install DVD right after the installation, before installing all the updates.
In 10.9 (Maverick) XCode is in the Apple store but
some components have been removed:
- install it
- open it and from the XCode menu select Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools...
- This takes you to Apple developers site with a bunch of software. You must sign in. Download and install Command Line Tools, for me "Command Line Tools (OS X Mavericks) for Xcode - Late October 2013".
Useful app:
- add terminal to the dock
- iTerm, replacement for terminal: http://www.iterm2.com/
- firefox, skype, cyberduck, xmeeting 0.4p2, xsltpalette,
- FF plugins: firebug, codeburner, flashgotit, zotero (http://www.zotero.org/)
- XSL Results: apply XSL, requires java 1.6, disable all "Apply Saxon..." in preferences. Sometime saved preferences for sites are not preserved
- SSB fluid (add campfire, modify adv pref to allow authentication page)
- office, adobe sw
- quicksilver, onyx, growl
- pacifier, macport, imagemagick
- fairmount (32/64), handbrake, toast, vlc, Flip4Mac WMV
- senuti
- VNC - Mac provides one: /System/Library/CoreServices/Screen\ Sharing.app. You can enable the server in Sharing Preferences Pane, either on Screen Sharing or Remote Management.
Here is a page with a lot of useful suggestions:
In 10.9 I decided to try Homebrew, going with the recipe in
http://hackercodex.com/guide/mac-osx-mavericks-10.9-configuration/ and
http://hackercodex.com/guide/python-development-environment-on-mac-osx/ for the python environment
sudo port -v selfupdate
port -v search imagemagick
sudo port install ImageMagick
Attention, some program e.g. Gimp have a lot of dependencies (and will build for one day or two)
To update:
port upgrade outdated
port list installed (or outdated)
Remove spaces from copy paste from terminal
Some applications, pine, add spaces at the end of the line. Copy the commands as a script in
~/bin/ to source when needed (
pbpaste | sed 's/ *$//' | pbcopy
Copy and paste from x11
Enable 3 button mouse emulation (x11 Preferences)
Pasteboard synchronization should already be enabled (x11 Preferences>Pasteboard)
- option-click is middle click (paste)
- command-click is right click
- for copy select or use command-C
Tab completion in shell
If you don't want to manage server lists for tab completion with ssh, put the following line in your .bash_profile file in your home directory:
complete -W "$(echo `cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sed -e s/,.*//g | uniq | grep -v "\["`;)" ssh
sed -e 's/^ *//' -e '/^#/d' -e 's/[, ].*//' -e '/\[/d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts | sort -u
Here a function for
_complete_ssh_hosts ()
comp_ssh_hosts=`cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | \
cut -f 1 -d ' ' | \
sed -e s/,.*//g | \
grep -v ^# | \
uniq | \
grep -v "\[" ;
cat ~/.ssh/config | \
grep "^Host " | \
awk '{print $2}'
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${comp_ssh_hosts}" -- $cur))
return 0
complete -F _complete_ssh_hosts ssh
For sudo:
complete -c -f command sudo
bash-completion package from macports and then add the following to your .bashrc:
if [ -f /opt/local/etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /opt/local/etc/bash_completion
SSH with Kerberos
Kerberos is already in OS X 10.3 and following:
To activate Kerberos ssh add this to
Host *.fnal.gov
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
Address resolution problem
Sometime ssh and many other programs stop working. Address resolution times out.
still works but
times out. This is triggered sometimes by the use of Kerberos. Bouncing mDNSResponder seem to solve the problem (
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist
Tracing (DTrace)
To monitor processes, files network, ... e.g.
dtruss -f -t open python myfile.py
Dropbox and Windows Live Sync.
- WLS does not support (syncs) links, Dropbox does
- WLS is not using the system trash but
~/Library/Application\ Support/Windows\ Live\ Sync/trash/
: this page suggests to replace the folder with a link
File systems
Fuse (
MacFUSE) is used to support other file systems (NTFS, ext2, ...)
ext2/3 FS
UFS and UFS2
Mac UFS is different from FreeBSD UFS and there is no driver for UFS/UFS2 on OS X.
UFS2 read only support is included into Linux kernel since version 2.6.5 (better read-only). For example:
mount -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 -o ro /dev/hda3 /mnt/bsd/
A possibility is using a FreeBSD appliance in VMWare:
Mac File system etc
Links (hard/soft) and Aliases:
This page lists hidden and system files:
Mac OS X creates a swap file of the size of the whole memory to dump the memory content when a laptop goes to sleep (hibernate, suspend):
. Without that file the memory content gets lost if the battery die and the computer needs to reboot.
Add known hosts addresses
This may vary.
- Edit
to include the host. /etc
is a link to /private/etc
(src. Apple).
- (before 10.5) You may need to update NetInfo:
sudo niload -v -m hosts . < /etc/hosts
(as suggested here, alias reloadhosts="sudo niload -v -m hosts .
, after 10.5 there is no niload/!NetInfo Manager)
- Further steps may be
lookupd -flushcache
, sending a HUP to lookupd or a reboot.
A ping should verify that. Note that
will not work because use the DNS.
Static routes
Static routes can be added with route (man route):
sudo route add -net 192.168.192
netstat -nr
Here some links to add them permanently (modify startup scripts):
Note that the interface must be active (route available)
Some troubleshooting:
Data recovery
Some software:
These do not work:
Reading mail files
Pine mail files are in
mbox format (other programs use variations of it or
Here are some documents about emails.
Mbox files can be
imported in Thunderbird or passed through some
sanitating scripts. Pine can also be
installed on aMac.
The best way to access mbox file seems to use the
=mailbox= library in python.
Signed mail
Mail.app supports signed mail.
- import your certificate in App>Utilities>Keychain
- configure the SMTP server
Fonts management
To do:
- Reorganize folders: cleanup, centralize, collect
- sort them
- use FontBook to activate
Some links about fonts:
NTFS support
There are 3 way:
- MacFUSE + NTFS-3G (free, slow)
- Paragon (pay)
- Apple (unstable)
Install MacFUSE+NTFS-3G. Stable, supports 10.4/5/6 (no 64bit kernel). I installed it with caching disabled.
Instructions to enable native NTFS R/W support on Snow Leopard. Unstable, mixed comments from people.
For this, you need to modify your /etc/fstab file to mount NTFS partitions for read and write.
First, uninstall NTFS-3G/Paragon if installed.
Open a terminal
Type "diskutil info /Volumes/volume_name" and copy the Volume UUID (bunch of numbers).
Backup /etc/fstab if you have it, shouldn't be there in a default install.
sudo vi /etc/fstab (and add one of the following lines: UUID or LABEL)
Type in "UUID=paste_the_uuid_here none ntfs rw" or "LABEL=volume_name none ntfs rw" (if you don't have UUID for the disk).
Repeat for other NTFS partitions.
Restart your system (a remount should be sufficient).
Afterwards, NTFS partitions should natively have read and write support. This works in both 32 and 64-bit kernels. Support is quite good and fast, it even recognizes file attributes such as hidden files.
Another option basically, it's running mount_ntfs with read/write option specified. To do it, in a terminal:
sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.orig
sudo vi /sbin/mount_ntfs #(and add the following, until #END)
/sbin/mount_ntfs.orig -o rw "$@"
sudo chown root:wheel /sbin/mount_ntfs
sudo chmod 755 /sbin/mount_ntfs
Make sure to check that mount_ntfs is listed as -rwxr-xr-x and root wheel when you type ls -al /sbin/mount_ntfs and you're good to go.
If it isn't working for you, it may be that the NTFS partition wasn't cleanly unmounted previously (e.g. not using safe eject in Windows). To check if this is the case, open Console in Utilities, and go to 'All Messages' instead of 'Console Messages'. Search for 'ntfs' and you may come across an error that displays like this:
NTFS-fs error (device /dev/disk3s1, pid 435): ntfs_system_inodes_get(): $LogFile is not clean. Mounting read-only. Mount in Windows.
You need to plug the disk into Windows-running system, and do a safe eject. Then the NTFS partition will mount in read/write mode.
Some links about NTFS on OS X:
Adapter for Mini DisplayPort
Apple provides only MDP->DVI-D or MDP->VGA.
Available online there is also MDP->DVI-I.
There seems to be no adapter to S-Video or composite.
(Mini) DisplayPort seems not to include any analog signal, making line conversion to VGA or S-video/composite not feasible. The converter above is not working properly. No analog signal is coming out of the DVI-I.
Some links:
This is supposed to work but it is $70 and big:
Go in
System Preferences ->
Keyboard (or
Keyboard and Mouse) and in the
Keyboard shortcuts tab select
All controls
http://www.paulmc.org/whatithink/2007/12/14/using-tab-to-select-dialog-box-buttons-in-mac-os-x/ or
http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/200906/enabling_keyboard_navigation_in_mac_os_x_web_browsers/ )
Control sound
Mute startup, noiseless volume up/down (press shift), fine control (shift+option+up/down):
Login without password
OS 10.5 allows more customization:
OS 10.6 has an option to show date, no customization
Plug, connect, mode2, works as a mouse.
The USB drive is not ejecting (it is remounting itself automatically right after, both in Finder and Disk utilities). To eject, on a terminal:
diskutil unmount /Volumes/GYROFLASH
To try
Mac Bugs
Computer sluggish
Basically only Safari is running and 4GB are not enough. When I try to print a page (to save it as PDF) it hangs for almost one minute, the memory consumption in the machine goes up more than 1GB (but the activity monitor cannot tell me who uses it) then the memory is freed when the print screen appears.
System processes taking 99% CPU
Some system processes are known to run-away sometime (bugs...). alsmanager (logger), mds and mdworker (file indexers)
Spotlight is not working
Was searching a file that I searched other times. This time it is not finding it. Found it by hand, copy and paste the content, still nothing. It is a RTF file from text editor.
Tempted to turn it off:
MarcoMambelli - 15 Oct 2007