Tests on Creating TAGS


The purpose of these sets of tests is to ascertain the ease and or difficulty in creating a TAG database starting with an AOD and ESD datatset created using ATLAS Release 12.0

Test Environment

  • Host machine: tier2-06.uchicago.edu
  • ESD and AOD Datasets to be used in the tests:
    • Directory of Datasets: /pnfs/uchicago.edu/data/usatlas/testIdeal_07
    • AOD dataset:testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968
      • Number of files in AOD Dataset = 40
    • ESD dataset:testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968
      • Number of files in ESD Dataset = 40
  • ATLAS Release Used for Testing: 12.0.3
  • TEST DIRECTORY: /home/gfg/tesTAGS
  • DQ2 Site: UC_VOB
  • DQ2 Dataset Browser,category=ALL, for UC_VOB

Local Replica Catalog Info (UC_VOB)

Access files in UC_VOB SE

UC_VOB uses dCache as backend. All its files are stored in /pnfs/uchicago.edu/data/usatlas/.... Note that this is a dCache (dcap) fs. dccp allows to copy files back and forth from it, ls to view the content, but not all posix access is possible. IMPORANT: this space is the backend of the DQ2 server, so users should not write or delete file directly from there.

UC_VOB DQ2 mysql backend

The host is tier2-05.uchicago.edu, the std port 3306, user dq2user, contact Marco to get the password if you don't know it.

Tests Using ATLAS Release 12.0

  • TEST01: Create and execute appropriate environment setup script (i.e,. .sh and .csh) to correctly setup the globus,srmclient,and dq2_user_client tools
    • RESULT:PASS script /home/gfg/setupenv.sh executed with no errors or warnings

  • TEST02: See if dq2_ls can see the AOD dataset
    • RESULT:PASS Using dq2_ls to list the dataset testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.*.v12000201_tid002968
dq2_ls testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.*.v12000201_tid002968 testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968 testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.CBNT.v12000201_tid002968 testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.ESD.v12000201_tid002968 testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.log.v12000201_tid002968

  • TEST03:See if dq2_get can retrieve one of the AOD dataset files from BNL
    • RESULT:PASS Using dq2_get to get the file testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968._00001.pool.root.1 from BNL
dq2_get -r testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968 testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968._00001.pool.root.1 Some files are missing in the local storage They are in the following sites; [1] : BNL [2] : CERN Which site to retrieve them from ? [1-2] : 1 Done Total:1 - Failed:0 SUCCESS: File retrieved! -rw-rw-r-- 1 gfg gfg 91892767 testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968._00001.pool.root.1

  • TEST04: See if dq2_get can retrieve one of the AOD dataset files fom UC_VOB
    • RESULT:FAILED Using dq2_get to get the file testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968._00001.pool.root.1=
from the local replica catalogue at UC_VOB= dq2_get -r testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968 testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968._00001.pool.root.1 Using dq2_get to get the file testIdeal_07.005711.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000201_tid002968._00001.pool.root.1 Some files are missing in the local storage The setup.sh file in /local/inst/dq2 does not correctly identify the local replica catalog at UC_VOB

  • TEST05: Create a grid job to run on UC_MWT2 which will create a TAG.root file (called mytest.TAG.root) from four diferent input AOD.root files which are stored in dcache and referenced by athena as dcache: files.
    • RESULT: PASS The tarball run-on-grid.tar.gz shold be un-tarred and then run the command
condor_submit run-on-grid.sub

The following files should be output:
1346540 Nov 20 15:52 mytest.TAG.root
205579 Nov 20 15:52 demo.local.out

-- JerryGieraltowski - 11 Oct 2006

This topic: DataServices > WebHome > DataServicesMachine > TestsonCreatingTAGs
Topic revision: 20 Nov 2006, JerryGieraltowski
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