



Messages and updates will come from various components in the system. In particular:

Messages will be delivered in transactional way, meaning ...


Updates to the SkimDatabase. Perhaps signals to a notification service about the status of a submitted skim.

Task Description

Record the skimming transactions in the SkimDatabase. Perhaps add SkimNotification service. This will collect bookkeeping and proveneance information to document how a skim was obtained, to retrieve its products and to know its status. It may manage a local skim cache or trigger DQ2 retrieval of skims.

Use of logging libraries (log4j, python.logging) may help the deployment

Initially will simply be a log file documenting the activity performed (a journal of the execution of the other components)

External Dependencies

Data provided from the other components. A functional MySQL database server (initially a file).

-- MarcoMambelli - 15 Nov 2006 -- RobGardner - 06 Nov 2006

This topic: DataServices > WebHome > SkimPublisher
Topic revision: 15 Nov 2006, RobGardner
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