Transferring Datasets to UC dCache


Transfer datasets for local analysis and for dataset skimming service (DDS) system development, part of the UC/ANL Tier2 Data Services project. Tasks:
  • Identify storage and configure if necessary resources at UC.
  • Create and document subscriptions in the UC VOB DQ2 service.
  • Provide access local users and the DSS project.

Storage setup at UC

  • Storage systems at UC: StorageSystems (restricted to Admin-only access; To do: provide a user-page equivalent technical description of available storage resources)
  • How to create and monitor subscriptions in the service.
    • How do users specify their subscriptions (provide guidance on dataset browser navigation, naming conventions, etc).
    • Submitting a subscription request to MWT2 - it should go in as a trouble ticket.
    • How do users moniter the status of their subscriptions.
  • Tools for examining the LFC and checking with replicas on disk.

Accessing the datasets

  • How to simply view these datasets at MWT2 (in the catalog, on the disk, etc).
  • These are dCache resident - what protocols do users need from a standard Athena job?
    • Are we supporting dcap access - what changes to a standard Athena setup script are required?
    • Are we supporting srm-cp, for example, file transfers from the dCache pool to the local working directory on the compute node?
    • How do we keep users from writing data into /home/user? Where do we tell them to place their output (back in dCache? some other NFS mounted filespace?)

Performance monitoring

First steps toward policy development

  • We need to let users know how long they can expect their datasets to last in this area.

-- RobGardner - 10 Aug 2006

This topic: DataServices > WebHome > DatasetsUCdCache
Topic revision: 15 Aug 2006, RobGardner
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