
edit/check certificate chain edit /etc/openldap/ldap.conf

edit ssh config to allow password login

configure PAM to allow LDAP Once PAM is enabled it uses /etc/ldap.conf (copy of /etc/openldap/ldap.conf done)

LDAP+PAM working , user logs in

nssswitch and passwd changed to add all other LDAP users

symbolic links to /homeauto

LDAP is slow nscd started, login much faster now

added broken_shadow to pam_unix

To do

LDAP group Automatically create home dir


David will send notes

David will send manifest files to have LDAP configuration working with puppet

Restrict PAM to allow LDAP password but not local password



-- MarcoMambelli - 11 Jul 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 11 Jul 2012, MarcoMambelli
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