Bulk Registration

Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and user topics) for a group of people in one batch.

Unlike normal registration the administrator is assumed to have correct e-mail addresses for the users, so no verification is required. Note that the new users are not notified that they have an account. This is so you can prepare and verify the accounts before announcing them. To announce them use the BulkResetPassword feature: this will assign a new random password and notify users.

Bulk Registration usage

Note: this is an administrator job - only admistrators can run this.

If you are administrator, you will take these actions:
  1. (First time use) Create new bulk registration topics (see Settings below).
  2. In the REGISTERTOPIC (UnprocessedRegistrations) topic: create a table of new users. An example table is provided below to copy.
  3. Return to this topic and press the "Bulk Register" button to create the new topics.
  4. Read UnprocessedRegistrationsLog to verify if all has gone well.
  5. Visit WikiGroups if the new users need to be added to any groups.
  6. When you are ready, use the BulkResetPassword page to assign passwords and notify the users of their new accounts.

Below are the details.


  • Define where to pick up the table of users to register. It can be in any web, but defaults to the Main web.
  • Use this to define where to log the bulk registration process. It will be saved to the Main web.
  • Set this to 1 to make the bulk registration overwrite any existing user topics. By default, existing user topics are left alone.

The user table

This table is a template for user data that will be written to the new user topics. If you stick to these basic fields you can just use the first example below. If you want to write more data (like phone number or country) read the section Customizing user data as well.

If the Password field is not included, then use the BulkResetPassword topic to assign new passwords. If a password is included, it must be a valid password (> minimum length, etc.)

Example format

The following should be inserted into your UnprocessedRegistrations as a table. This is the most simple format:

| FirstName | LastName | Email | WikiName |
| Test | User | you@your.domain | TestUser |

  1. Copy this text to your clipboard
  2. Click through and paste this on UnprocessedRegistrations.
  3. Add and customize entries, save table. Note that the first row must not contain bolded entries, so don't apply any formatting.
  4. Return here

Customizing user data

You can write additional data to the new user topics. Do this by enhancing the user table with additional field names as table headers.

Any fields you define in this table will end up in the User's topic. If a form (such as UserForm) is attached to NewUserTemplate then the data will go in as META:FIELDS, meaning that you can use SEARCH formfield constructs to search.

If you use the UserForm then ensure that it contains all the fields you define here. Otherwise they will disappear when the user edits their home topic!

Mandatory fields

  • WikiName
  • FirstName
  • LastName

Optional fields

  • LoginName - Required if the system is configured to AllowLoginName (Commonly referred to as the UserName).
  • Email - If not provided, you must set a password, or password reset will not be possible.
  • Password - If not provided, set passwords later using BulkResetPassword.
  • Confirm - If provided, it must match the Password field. If missing, it will not be checked.
  • templatetopic - Template used when creating the User topic. If not provided, defaults to Main.NewUserTemplate, or System.NewUserTemplate.
  • AddToGroups - A comma-separated list of groups. When user is registered, they will be added to the listed groups. The groups must exist.

Customized table example

Make sure that the extra fields also appear on the UserForm.

| FirstName | LastName | Email | WikiName | AddToGroups | CustomFieldThis | SomeOtherRandomField | WhateverYouLike |
| Test | User | you@example.com | TestUser | MyGroup, DocGroup | A | B | C |



FirstName LastName Email WikiName
Ken Aird kenaird@uchicago.edu KenAird
Syndication Agent dgc@uchicago.edu SyndicationAgent


Report for Bulk Register


  • Added to users topic WikiUsers:
  • No LoginName specified - setting to SyndicationAgent
    • Password set: 1 (1 = success)
    • Writing topic SyndicationAgent
      • RegistrationHandler: %SPLIT% * * %KEY%: %VALUE%%SPLIT% * * ---++ My Links * * * BeginnersStartHere - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners * * WelcomeGuest - starting points on TWiki * * UsersGuide - complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference * * Sandbox - try out TWiki on your own * * UnprocessedRegistrationsLogSandbox - just for me * * * * * * ---++ Personal Preferences * * Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in DefaultPreferences. * * * Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off: * * #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off * * Horizontal size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70 * * Vertical size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22 * * Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable. * * #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% * * Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName) * * #Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = WikiGuest * * ---++ Related Topics * * * ChangePassword for changing your password * * ChangeEmailAddress for changing your email address * * WikiUsers has a list of other TWiki users * * UserDocumentationCategory is a list of TWiki user documentation * * UserToolsCategory lists all TWiki user tools * * Note to TWiki Administrator: * * Above text is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done) * * Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% * * * ---++ My Links * * * BeginnersStartHere - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners * * WelcomeGuest - starting points on TWiki * * UsersGuide - complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference * * Sandbox - try out TWiki on your own * * UnprocessedRegistrationsLogSandbox - just for me * * * * * * ---++ Personal Preferences * * Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in DefaultPreferences. * * * Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off: * * #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off * * Horizontal size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70 * * Vertical size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22 * * Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable. * * #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% * * Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName) * * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = WikiGuest * * ---++ Related Topics * * * ChangePassword for changing your password * * ChangeEmailAddress for changing your email address * * WikiUsers has a list of other TWiki users * * UserDocumentationCategory is a list of TWiki user documentation * * UserToolsCategory lists all TWiki user tools * *
      • Using Form Fields


  • Added to users topic WikiUsers:
  • No LoginName specified - setting to KenAird
    • Password set: 1 (1 = success)
    • Writing topic KenAird
      • RegistrationHandler: %SPLIT% * * %KEY%: %VALUE%%SPLIT% * * ---++ My Links * * * BeginnersStartHere - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners * * WelcomeGuest - starting points on TWiki * * UsersGuide - complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference * * Sandbox - try out TWiki on your own * * UnprocessedRegistrationsLogSandbox - just for me * * * * * * ---++ Personal Preferences * * Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in DefaultPreferences. * * * Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off: * * #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off * * Horizontal size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70 * * Vertical size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22 * * Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable. * * #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% * * Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName) * * #Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = WikiGuest * * ---++ Related Topics * * * ChangePassword for changing your password * * ChangeEmailAddress for changing your email address * * WikiUsers has a list of other TWiki users * * UserDocumentationCategory is a list of TWiki user documentation * * UserToolsCategory lists all TWiki user tools * * Note to TWiki Administrator: * * Above text is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done) * * Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% * * * ---++ My Links * * * BeginnersStartHere - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners * * WelcomeGuest - starting points on TWiki * * UsersGuide - complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference * * Sandbox - try out TWiki on your own * * UnprocessedRegistrationsLogSandbox - just for me * * * * * * ---++ Personal Preferences * * Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in DefaultPreferences. * * * Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off: * * #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off * * Horizontal size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70 * * Vertical size of text edit box: * * #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22 * * Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable. * * #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% * * Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName) * * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = WikiGuest * * ---++ Related Topics * * * ChangePassword for changing your password * * ChangeEmailAddress for changing your email address * * WikiUsers has a list of other TWiki users * * UserDocumentationCategory is a list of TWiki user documentation * * UserToolsCategory lists all TWiki user tools * *
      • Using Form Fields

registrationsMade: 2

Related topics: AdminToolsCategory
Topic revision: r1 - 17 Jun 2022, ProjectContributor
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