I need to find a release to run tag2aod on the grid.
AtlasPoint1 should work with FDR2 data.
- test it locally
- check wich analysis queues have it
- run Pathena
Local test
Atlas release setup
. /osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/14.1.0/cmtsite/setup.sh -tag=AtlasPoint1,opt,32,
. /osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/14.1.0/AtlasPoint1/
AtlasPoint1 setup was failing
. /osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/14.1.0/cmtsite/setup.sh -tag=AtlasPoint1,opt,32,
#CMT> The tag is not used in any tag expression. Please check spelling
AtlasLogin: Configuration problem - /nfs/osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/14.1.0/AtlasPoint1/not_numbered non-existent
After Fred's suggestion Xin updated all
AtlasSetup files in 14.1.0 releases to fix the problem. Check
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/AtlasLogin to find more information.
Failed tests
In jobOption I cannot modify the default name
for TAG files. Following Jack's suggestion I added to
athenaCommonFlags.PoolTAGInput =
but did not work (maybe needs to be later in the file)
Py:Athena INFO including file "tagtoaod.py"
Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
File "/nfs/osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/14.1.0/AtlasCore/14.1.0/InstallArea/share/bin/athena.py", line 365, in
include( script )
File "./tagtoaod.py", line 11, in
athenaCommonFlags.PoolTAGInput = ["TAG.pool.root"]
NameError: name 'athenaCommonFlags' is not defined
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 8: "an unknown exception occurred"
Using the default name I had the following error:
IOVDbMgr INFO Tag LARElecCalibMC-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Shape overridden with HVS to LARElecCal
IOVDbMgr ERROR Exception caught: Folder /LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels not found
IOVDbMgr WARNING The tag GLOBAL isn't associated to /LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels folder.
IOVDbSvc ERROR preLoadAddresses> getFolders failed [folder path:tag] = [/LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels:GLOBAL]
Py:PerfMonSvc INFO VMem = 543.770 MB RSS = 152.418 MB malloc = 292.287 MB cpu = 15375.663 ms => [DetectorStore]
ServiceManager ERROR Unable to initialize service "DetectorStore"
GeoModelSvc ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service DetectorStore
GeoModelSvc FATAL DetectorStore service not found!
Py:PerfMonSvc INFO VMem = 543.770 MB RSS = 152.422 MB malloc = 292.292 MB cpu = 15382.662 ms => [GeoModelSvc]
ServiceManager ERROR Unable to initialize Service: GeoModelSvc
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 33: "failure in initialization"
ApplicationMgr FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
MarcoMambelli - 14 Jul 2008