
From: Mon 3/31/08


  • FDR phone meeting (phone EsNet)
  • UofC ATLAS meeting (3rd HEP)


  • MWT2 meeting (Robert's office)
  • Pathena code exploration: trf runAthena is the ultimate responsible for file transfer and is probably downloaded from BNL


why pool_insertFileToCatalog?
pool_insertFileToCatalog reads the giud from the file

[lxplus218] /afs/ > cd Utilities/cmt/[lxplus218] /afs/ > cmt configCreating setup scripts.Creating cleanup scripts.[lxplus218] /afs/ > . ./

POOL_2_7-patches compiles, later releases do not

-query support eventnumber== ...
There is no way to query by GUID
To select multiple events, a OR list should be use d
lxplus218] /afs/ > ls
cmtnotes  dev1  POOL_2_4_3  POOL_2_4_3-ref  POOL-2-6-2  POOL_2_6_3  POOL_2_7_0  POOL_2_7_4
[lxplus218] /afs/ > cd POOL_2_7_4
[lxplus218] /afs/ > ls
include  slc4_ia32_gcc34_dbg  src
[lxplus218] /afs/ > 
  • TODO
    • write utility to play with GUIDs (filter, ...)

For future reference, here's how I managed the server restart on atldbdev01:                                                                                              
ssh tagexsrv@atldbdev01 (Florbela and I have the password, if you need it)                                                                                                
cd ~/public/TagExtraction                                                                                                                                                 
./ restart                                                                                                                                                  
So, what you have to remember here is that, although we're restarting a service on atldbdev01, the files are all located at                                               
/afs/ It's a bit confusing, because there are a similar set of files at                                                       
Thanks, Mike. ?I note now that Caitriana's documentation actually _says_ this (not in the same place as the instructions for restarting the lxgate instance,                                            
but still...):                                                                                                                                                                                          
      7. The services can then be run using the script, found in ~/public/TagExtraction. This is a basic start/stop/restart script which                                                 
      is used as:                                                                                                                                                                                       
./ start | stop | restart                                                                                                                                                                 



  • cont UIUC-HEP registration
  • cont force Pathena to perform skim without shared file system
    • one of the files has wrong registration in MWT2_UC: E84139A5-57DA-DC11-956D-000423D990FC (fdr08_run1.0003073.MinBias.merge.AOD.o1_r12_t1._0001.1) has no checksum (NULL) instead of ad:1b609040
    • Modify dq2_put (dq2_put.marco_dev) to work with adler32 and to work around this null checksum. This version is not general and ready to be submitted to Tadashi
    • Register DS user.MarcoMambelli.test.skim_2evAODs.080401._12
    • Pathena (inDS+shipInput) failing
[uct3-edge3] /home/marco/tmp1 > dq2_put.marco_dev -v -e -p PFC_2ev.xml user.MarcoMambelli.test.skim_2evAODs.080401._12
curl --user-agent "dqcurl" --silent --insecure --config 7e1d2b76-0325-4e0e-9c44-181e1b72c6ff
(0, '\n\n\n\n\n  \n\n  \n\n  \n\n  \n\n  \n\n  \n    \n      \n    \n    \n      \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n  \n\n  \n    \n      \n    \n    \n      \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n  \n\n')
PAR:  True ['5E450E93-57DA-DC11-949A-000423D99C36', 'E84139A5-57DA-DC11-956D-000423D990FC'] ['40179453', '49597234'] ['ad:1b609040', 'ad:a546328c'] ['5E450E93-57DA-DC11-949A-000423D99C36', 'E84139A5-57DA-DC11-956D-000423D990FC'] ['40179453', '49597234'] ['ad:NULL', 'ad:a546328c']
2 files in dataset, 0 not in LRC
Registering 2 files as user.MarcoMambelli.test.skim_2evAODs.080401._12

[uct3-edge5] /ecache/marco/wdir_pathena/tag_pathena_mwt2 > pathena -v --inputFileList=filelist.txt --shipInput --inDS=user.MarcoMambelli.test.skim_2evAODs.080401._12 --outDS=user.MarcoMambelli.test.tag.080404._01
ANALY_BNL_ATLAS_1 holds 2 files
ERROR : No (new) files available in user.MarcoMambelli.test.skim_2evAODs.080401._12
        pathena runs on files which were failed or were not used in
        previous submissions if it runs with the same inDS and outDS

-- MarcoMambelli - 24 Mar 2008
Topic revision: r6 - 14 Apr 2008, MarcoMambelli
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