Log file extracts:
- Errors from /scratch/Panda_Pilot_27084_1202481257/pilotlog.txt
08 Feb 2008 08:34:18| !!WARNING!!1999!! No releases found, probably problems ahead..
08 Feb 2008 08:38:02| !!FAILED!!3000!! Job failed: Non-zero failed job return code: 20
08 Feb 2008 08:38:02| !!WARNING!!3000!! Could not copy metadata-7383248.xml to site work dir - ddm Adder problems will occure in case of job recovery
08 Feb 2008 08:38:22| !!WARNING!!1000!! Can not open the file /scratch/Panda_Pilot_27084_1202481257/PandaJob_7383248_1202481258/metadata.xml, [Errno 2] No such file or directory: /scratch/Panda_Pilot_27084_1202481257/PandaJob_7383248_1202481258/metadata.xml
- Errors from athena_stdout.txt -
WARNING: Certificate verification error for gridui06.usatlas.bnl.gov: self signed certificate
make[3]: *** [../i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/EVTauTool.o] Error 127
make[2]: *** [SUSYValidationLib] Error 2
make[1]: *** [common_target] Error 2
make: *** [check_config] Error 2
CMT> Error: execution_error : make
- athena errors from athena_stdout.txt -
- Walltime -
jobRetrival=0.879999999888, StageIn=0, Execution=220.01, StageOut=0, CleanUp=3.97999999952
Pilot=UHURA (11b)
RobGardner - 08 Feb 2008