Workshop homepage:
http://hfsaf2012.uchicago.edu/. Workshop twiki (protected) is
Registering for an account
Please email your public SSH key to Lincoln Bryant (
lincolnb@hep.uchicago.edu). If you don't have a public key, you can generate a private/public key pair by using
ssh-keygen on Linux and OS X or by downloading
puttygen for Windows (
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html). Lincoln will then email you your assigned user name and node.
Logging in
The ssh gateway for accessing resources for the workshop is
uct3.uchicago.edu. From there, you can log in to any of the interactive boxes set up for the workshop.
Available Resources
There are four interactive nodes made available exclusively for the workshop. These nodes are uct3-c031, uct3-c032, uct3-c033, and uct3-c034. Each node has:
- 24 logical cores
- 48 GB RAM
- 10 Gb Ethernet
- 4 TB scratch space mounted at /scratch
- Access to ATLAS software via CVMFS
We suggest that 3-4 workshop attendees be assigned to each node.
Setting up ATLAS software
To set up the ATLAS software from CVMFS, simply "setupATLAS" from one of the interactive nodes.
Writing Data
User home directories are
not mounted locally, so data should be written into the /scratch disk.
LincolnBryant - 03 Dec 2012