Installing Graphite
Graphite is a statistics collection framework for time series data. While there isn't a canonical Graphite installation, the framework consists of three main components (as they are packaged in EPEL):
- python-carbon: Data caching and persistence daemon. Listens on a socket, writes out time series data to disk.
- python-whisper: Library that provides a time-series database format. Replaces RRDTool in typical use cases.
- graphite-web: Django-based web frontend for graphing data.
The design is also quite modular, and there have been a number of additional statistics collection services and alternative front-ends developed. One such collector daemon is the nodejs-based "statsd", written by Etsy. Another is a more generic service known as "collectd". For our purposes, we'll deploy collectd and a meta-aggregator / graphite adapter known as Bucky. Both are available in EPEL.
Installing the Carbon collector
To setup the Whisper library and the Carbon collector daemon, yum install the following:
# yum -y install python-whisper python-carbon nc
(We additionally install netcat to test writing data into Carbon)
Once Carbon has been installed, two files are created in /etc/carbon:
- /etc/carbon/carbon.conf - Daemon configuration options, includes options for relaying/aggregation for scalability.
- /etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf - Data retention time options.
We won't touch either of these right now, but it's good to be aware of them.
Finally, let's go ahead and start the Carbon daemon:
# /etc/init.d/carbon-cache start
Installing the Graphite front-end
The Graphite Django application, while not our end-goal, is nice for demonstration purposes. Here's what need to install it:
# yum install -y graphite-web python-memcached httpd memcached
Create the initial database and superuser account:
# python /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/graphite/ syncdb
Start the daemons:
# service carbon-cache start
# service memcached start
# service httpd start
At this point, you can try sending data to Graphite using netcat:
echo "my_arbitrary_metric 1024 $(date +%s)" | nc 2003
Installing Bucky
We want to be able to pull data from collectd, but the version of collectd with a direct-to-graphite plugin doesn't exist in EPEL (at the time of writing). Instead, we'll need to use bucky as an adapter for collectd data.
To setup the Bucky meta-aggregator, first install it from EPEL:
# yum -y install python-bucky
I don't think there is any need to touch the Bucky configuration files, but they exist in
just in case.
At the time of this writing, the Bucky package in EPEL doesn't support init.d scripts. Fortunately, someone wrote one! (, so create this script as /etc/init.d/buckyd:
# bucky Init script for running the bucky daemon
# chkconfig: - 98 02
# description: some description
# processname: bucky
export PATH
# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
# Determine if we can use the -p option to daemon, killproc, and status.
# RHEL < 5 can't.
if status | grep -q -- '-p' 2>/dev/null; then
pidopts="-p $pidfile"
start() {
echo -n $"Starting bucky daemon: "
$bucky $config >> $logfile 2>&1 &
local PID=`pgrep -f "${bucky} ${config}"`
echo $PID > ${pidfile}
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && (touch ${lockfile}; echo_success) || echo_failure
return $RETVAL
stop() {
echo -n $"Stopping bucky daemon: "
killproc $pidopts $bucky
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f ${lockfile} ${pidfile}
restart() {
rh_status() {
status $pidopts $bucky
return $RETVAL
rh_status_q() {
rh_status >/dev/null 2>&1
case "$1" in
rh_status_q || exit 0
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|condrestart|try-restart|status}"
exit 1
exit $RETVAL
Installing Collectd
Collectd should have been pulled in as a
dependency, but we also need the collect-snmp plugin. To install:
# yum install -y collectd collect-snmp
We need to then configure the Network and
SNMP plugins to get collectd to send data. To enable network plugin, add these lines to
LoadPlugin network
<Plugin "network">
Server "" "25826"
Change the server address if needed (almost certainly for the non-trivial case).
To setup
SNMP, you'll need to load the module and know what OID to probe. Here's an example for Cisco 6500 temperature:
LoadPlugin snmp
<Plugin snmp>
<Data "cisco_module1_temp_inlet">
Type "temperature"
Table false
Instance ""
Values "."
<Data "cisco_module1_temp_outlet">
Type "temperature"
Table false
Instance ""
Values "."
<Host "uct2-6509">
Address ""
Version 2
Community "mwt2"
Collect "cisco_module1_temp_outlet" "cisco_module1_temp_inlet"
Interval 60
(Optional) Collectd CSV plugin
I found that loading the CSV plugin is useful for debugging:
Add these lines to your
LoadPlugin csv
<Plugin csv>
DataDir "/usr/var/lib/collectd/csv"
StoreRates false
Your output will all go to the datadir.
LincolnBryant - 07 Jan 2014