This is the VO front-end: contains four parts: user-pool collector (a Condor collector); glide-in VO front-end - python service thats connects to the factory, triggering the submission of glide-ins. user-pool schedd, where the "user" submits his own jobs. This has been packaged together into an rpm, glidewmsvofrontend (by Burt and Derek, w/ Brian). Intention is that VDT takes over this. Glide-in (aka pilots) are submitted by a "factory" - you can install your own, or use the OSG production Glidein factory running by UCSD. Marco is using the UCSD factory. A VO manager uses Burt's rpm. All users of the VO connect using the schedd. There is a submit machine setup at Nebraska. Users are given a Unix account. This is odd - but its a submit host for a small community.
Its a user interface machine.
Is it okay to create accounts for users?
How to manage individual ssh accounts?
Do we need to make quaranteened machine? cilogon, shibboleth, ...
Marco - develop a testing plan for CG components.
A functional campus router; submit to ITB.
setup "certify" - runs on itb-mon, checks host and service certs. will create new certs for that machine. Fermilab and UCSD is using it. cert-based Condor auth used by worker. John Hover is supporting it.
Tanya convo re: storage. Testing of dCache - at least to install. xrootd - there are rpms and pacman version (which is old), still undergoing transition w/ rpms. Use pacman install for now. Timeline? Eval. of CERN rpm this week. What are they changing by default. FRM issue.
Panda infrastructure and links into ITB. Switch to autopyfactory.
Broken images in ganglia links.
Completely off tier3. Clean up tier3.
April 13 is first day of downtime for ITB cluster.
Storage resources up this week. Will restart vm's for xrootd.
Fix up Panda queues. Something broken w/ ATLAS pilots.
Remove old queue.
Get Engage and HCC running on ITB, and pilot factory.
edge6 is done.
* Process agreement? Maybe.
* Co-authored email from Nate and Suchandra
-- RobGardner - 29 Mar 2011