UC3 Cycle Seeder Admin This is a twiki page for documenting UC3 cycle seeder administration. UC3 the Project * UC3 project wiki: https://wiki.uchicago.edu/d...
GlobusOnline Setup The following must be done before configuring GCMU: * Generate a ssh key pair ssh keygen t rsa b 2048 f gcmu * Create a Globus Online ...
MatlabSetup Jira cross reference: * http://jira.usatlasfacility.org/browse/UCHI 96 See also: MatlabUsage for system configuration. Introduction MATLAB is a ge...
Setup edit/check certificate chain edit /etc/openldap/ldap.conf edit ssh config to allow password login configure PAM to allow LDAP Once PAM is enabled it uses /...
Job submission to UC3 Overview UC3 resource selection options Different combinations of resources can be selected within UC3 since not all resources have identi...
CondorUc3Cloud Intro This page captures some admin notes for the uc3 cloud.uchicago.edu host. Status Done: * Condor installed via puppet (Suchandra) * cu...
CondorCycleSeeder The name chosen for the pool (CONDOR_HOST) is uct3 mgt.mwt2.org. This implies that by default the collector/negotiator will advertise that hostn...
Mathematica Setup See also MathematicaUsage Mathematica License I have requested a network license for Mathematica 8.0 and have been granted 1000 network seats ...
Mathematica Template for Condor This is a work in progress until I have all of my examples written and have better organized this page Condor Before we can writ...
CampusFactoryUcItbPbs Intro This page captures some admin notes related to setting up an Campus Factory gateway to the OSG Integration Testbed cluster (ITB). St...
Mathematica Usage See also MathematicaSetup Command line Interactive To use the command line kernel of Mathematica, simply run "math" in the shell of the intera...
GangliaCycleSeeder Puppet * Created gmond config file in puppet (/etc/puppet/modules/gmond/files/gmond.uc3.conf) * Created gmetad config file in puppet (/...
RsvUc3Cloud Intro Status RSV has been installed using OSG 3.0 RPMs The consumer has been customized. Ping probes are active. Condor probe development started I...
PuppetCycleSeeder Purpose and background * Capture all major configuration decisions for hosts in the cycle seeder cluster * And any operational notes Ma...
CycleSeeder Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CycleSeeder web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...