Survey About OSG 1.0.1 update



  • 14 replies, 24 sites
  • 6 updated, 8 did not (and no plans)
  • of the not updated 2 sites have OSG 0.8, the remaining OSG 1.0
  • Installation from "Very Easy" (without instruction) to "Difficult" (needed support to complete). In order of increasing difficulty: CE, SE, GUMS

Detailed results

  • Total Started Survey: 14
  • Total Completed Survey: 14 (100%)
  • Page: OSG 1.0.1 Installation survey

1. Did you update to OSG 1.0.1

  • answered question 14
  • skipped question 0

  Response Percent Response Count
Yes 42.9% 6
No, and I don't know when I'll update 57.1% 8
No, but I plan to update on (insert date)   1
  • 1. 06/09/2009

2. If you did not update, which OSG version do you have installed?

  • answered question 9
  • skipped question 5

  Response Percent Response Count
OSG 1.0.1 0.0% 0
OSG 1.0.0 77.8% 7
OSG 0.8.0 11.1% 1
OSG 0.6.0 0.0% 0
Other (please specify) 11.1% 1
  • 1. 0.8.0, 1.0.0, and 1.0.1 Tue, May 26, 2009 3:41 PM

3. If you did update, how easy/difficult was the installation/update

  • answered question 9
  • skipped question 5

  Update failed Very difficult (even with support took long time) Difficult (needed support) Easy Very easy (almost without instructions) N/A Rating Average Response Count
Computing Element (CE) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 22.2% (2) 22.2% (2) 22.2% (2) 33.3% (3) 4.00 9
Storage Element (SE) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 11.1% (1) 0.0% (0) 11.1% (1) 77.8% (7) 4.00 9
GUMS server 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 22.2% (2) 0.0% (0) 11.1% (1) 66.7% (6) 3.67 9

Which difficulties did you encounter (Was documantation clear. How was the install process)? Any suggestion? 7

  • 1.
    	GUMS database config needed to be migrated manually.	Tue, Jun 9, 2009 1:01 AM	
  • 2.
	Selecting the correct way to set up the configuration was the hardest part of this, as I first tried to follow the directions from OSG080 to OSG100 as recorded on our TWiki. Not good, failure. So, eventually I found this:
And moved to the "Typical Configuration Steps" section, where I found the correct setup. From there, life was easy.

The one problem I have is that the correct time to enable and turn on the software using vdt-control is "sketchy". You might consider getting a sacrificial sysadmin to follow steps, without help, and see what goes right/wrong.

Also, it has been noted at various web sites that the correct startup ordering for mysql and globus-ws should make sure that mysql starts first, followed at a later step by globus-ws. This is still not the default case at install, with both of them starting at "99" which can result in a race condition (in our past experience with OSG100). Perhaps it no longer matters, but I am careful to change the startup order upon an install to guarantee this happens:

sed '/^# chkconfig:/c # chkconfig: 345 97 09' --in-place=.ORI /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
sed '/^# chkconfig:/c # chkconfig: 345 98 04' --in-place=.ORI /etc/rc.d/init.d/globus-ws
chkconfig mysql reset
chkconfig globus-ws reset	Mon, Jun 8, 2009 1:15 PM	
  • 3.
    	Note--I did not update my production ones yet but 
    I have done all my ITB ones and answer the question above based on that.	Mon, Jun 8, 2009 12:27 PM
  • 4.
    	Haven't used the upgrade script, but did a fresh 1.0.1 install on some CEs	Tue, May 26, 2009 3:41 PM	
  • 5.
    	Bestman would not work, it did not maintain the gums support. Alex Sims helped me out.
    GUMS didn't work at all, the config file wasn't using the new mysql database.
    CEMon is broke, and still is. Not reporting to BDII and ReSS servers. No idea why not.	Tue, May 19, 2009 7:54 PM	
  • 6.
    	I was having problems with my current 1.0.0 install (not reporting to RSV) just in the days of version transition, and I had not noticed the "don't upgrade now" email, so when I tried to uninstall and reinstall some packages, pacman got confused. At that point I just did a full clean install, which happened to fetch 1.0.1; I only had to do some minor modifications to the config.ini, which were anyway very easy.
    In general I like that the pacman installs are nicely automated, but I'm not happy that it does not keep a local cache of the installed packages (bandwidth is not abundant in South Africa; I had to install a special squid to cache the large package files), and that it does not integrate with the OS packaging system for conflict/dependency checks. It's also more difficult to recover a failed/incomplete install (than with YUM as used by gLite). On the positive side, it does not suffer from the "package dependency nightmares" that I'm seeing with gLite.	Tue, May 19, 2009 4:26 PM	
  • 7.
    	The vdt-updater was a little too picky when processing user input ('y' vs. 'yse').
    cemon had some stale data that did not get cleaned up until I randomly removed some cached files and waited several hours for it to clean itself up.
    GIP bugs prevented proper associations between my two CEs and SEs.
    Other issues were posted to the osg mailing list and got responses very quickly.	Tue, May 19, 2009 4:17 PM

4. Which VO do the resources belong to (if any)?

  • answered question 14
  • skipped question 0

Response Percent CountSorted ascending
None 0.0% 0
ALICE 0.0% 0
CIGI 0.0% 0
CompBioGrid 0.0% 0
DES 0.0% 0
DOSAR 0.0% 0
DZero 0.0% 0
FermilabOther 0.0% 0
geant4 0.0% 0
GLOW 0.0% 0
GPN 0.0% 0
GRASE 0.0% 0
GROW 0.0% 0
GUGrid 0.0% 0
i2u2 0.0% 0
IceCube 0.0% 0
ILC 0.0% 0
JDEM 0.0% 0
LIGO 0.0% 0
mariachi 0.0% 0
MIS 0.0% 0
NCN 0.0% 0
nanoHUB 0.0% 0
NEBioGrid 0.0% 0
NWICG 0.0% 0
NYSGRID 0.0% 0
Ops 0.0% 0
OSG 0.0% 0
OSGEDU 0.0% 0
SDSS 0.0% 0
STAR 0.0% 0
CDF 7.1% 1
Engage 7.1% 1
Fermilab 7.1% 1
SBGrid 7.1% 1
Other (please specify) 7.1% 1
CMS 21.4% 3
ATLAS 42.8% 6

  • 1.ATLAS, DZero, DOSAR

5. Site name/s (comma separated if more than one)

  • answered question 14
  • skipped question 0

  • 1. Clemson-ciTeam, Clemson-Birdnest, CIRG-CU-SRM Tue, Jun 9, 2009 1:01 AM
  • 2. IPAS_OSG Mon, Jun 8, 2009 9:35 PM
  • 3. IllinoisHEP Mon, Jun 8, 2009 4:04 PM
  • 4. AGLT2 (gate02 only not gate01) Mon, Jun 8, 2009 1:15 PM
  • 5. N/A Mon, Jun 8, 2009 12:27 PM
  • 6. MWT2_UC, MWT2_IU, UC_ATLAS_MWT2 Mon, Jun 8, 2009 12:26 PM
  • 7. Wed, May 27, 2009 8:02 AM
  • 9. SBGrid-Harvard-East, SBGrid-Harvard-Exp Tue, May 19, 2009 7:54 PM
  • 10. HU_ATLAS_Tier2 Tue, May 19, 2009 6:51 PM
  • 11. UJ-OSG Tue, May 19, 2009 4:26 PM
  • 12. CIT_CMS_T2, CIT_CMS_T2B Tue, May 19, 2009 4:17 PM
  • 13. SPRACE Tue, May 19, 2009 3:41 PM
  • 14. BNL_ATLAS_1, BNL_ATLAS_2 Tue, May 19, 2009 3:26 PM

6. Personal information

  • answered question 14
  • skipped question 0

-- MarcoMambelli - 09 Jun 2009
Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jun 2009, MarcoMambelli
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