
Add Support for UC3 VO to MWT2

The following steps were taken to add support for the UC3 VO on MWT2.


The registration for this VO at OIM can be found at

Gums additions for UC3

The UC3 VO needs to be added to the MWT2 Gums server so that proper authentication can take place.

The MWT2 gums server can be found at Your DN must be a member of the "admin" group listed in the "Manual User Group Members" section to able to make these changes.

The following snapshots show the changes. The order these changes are made is important.

VOMS Servers


Account Mapper


User Groups


Group to Account Mappings


Host to Group Mappings


Update VO Members

In the "User Management" section, select "Update VO Members" and click on "update VO members database". This function will take a long time to complete as it rebuilds the database with members of each VO on this gums server.

Enable VO on Gatekeepers

To enable the UC3 VO, the following line is added to the UID mapping table on all Gatekeepers.

uc3   group_opport

This assume that the account "uc3" has already been created. This account has always been in puppet as part of the "osgvo" groups.


The "Update VO Members" currently fails for UC3 VO. The error is

02 Mar 2013 13:48:34,018 [WARN ]: User group update for uc3 failed: Couldn't retrieve users: CSRF header guard missing from request!

After some research, the following ticket was found;

The following line appears to need to be added to the voms configuration for UC3 on the OIM Voms Server in the file /etc/voms-admin/UC3/

voms.csrf.log_only = true

A GOC ticket was made to request this change

Once Scot Tiege made the appropriate change, Gums was successful in updating its VO members
Topic revision: r4 - 25 Mar 2013, LincolnBryant
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