Backlinks to SkimExtractor in DataServices Web (Search all webs)

Results from DataServices web retrieved at 21:00 (GMT)

DssCVS Introduction This is the CVS info page for the Dataset Skimming Service project. CERN CVS Area Instructions on how to use the CERN ATLAS CVS Reposito...
DssPrototype Developers Jerry, Jack, Marco Description A simple end to end skimming service prototype. * Create a TAG database, given an AOD. * Process to...
NotesDec19 Attending * Jack, Jerry, Rob, Marco, David Agenda * Marco test running on the whole sample (condor jobs in the cluster) ...
Meeting November 14 Meeting Tuesday 11/14 at 2.00pm Chicago time Phone conference ESNet Call: 510 665 5437 ...
Meeting November 7 Meeting Tuesday 11/7 at 2.30pm Chicago time Phone conference ESNet Call: 510 665 5437 ...
SkimSelector Developers Jerry, Marco Inputs 1. full path to a configuration file identifying all job variables needed in the workflow of both skimSelector an...
Tier2 Data Services Monthly statistics (calculate) Overview A number of Tier2 centric data services need to be operational in order to efficiently use the cl...
Statistics for DataServices Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uplo...
Number of topics: 8
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