Syslog-ng Install


The following describes a system of two syslog-ng servers: one providing a source of logging data, the second providing a central logging host which can receive logging information from a number of syslog-ng hosts. Here is what was done to setup an initial two-host system:
  • Install syslog-ng on a central logging host (; congfigure with the standard template for a central logging host.
  • Install syslog-ng on an ATLAS DQ2 site services host; configure with a socket for a specific DQ2 logfile, i.e. the subscriptions log, and forward to the central logging host.
  • Create a bootscripts for these hosts.
  • Launch services on each host by executing the boot scripts.
  • Validate by writing a test message into the grid/dq2 service host (into its socket), look for it on the central logging host.

Installing Syslog-ng software

Instructions for an independent syslog-ng instance on any host. Here we focus on installations which do not override or replace the systems native syslog program.
cd /opt/src/
tar xvzf eventlog-0.2.5.tar.gz
tar xvzf syslog-ng-2.0.2.tar.gz
cd eventlog-0.2.5
./configure --prefix=/opt/eventlog
make install
cd ../syslog-ng-2.0.2
export EVTLOG_CFLAGS="-I/opt/eventlog/include/eventlog"
export EVTLOG_LIBS="-L/opt/eventlog/lib/ -levtlog"
./configure --prefix=/opt/syslog-ng
make install

Configuration of the source DQ2 service host

On MWT2_UC, this is currently After installing the syslog-ng software, you need a configuration file and a boot script.

This configuration file will go into /opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf:

options {
   #time_sleep(50);  # polling interval, in ms (helps reduce CPU)
   time_sleep(1000);  # polling interval, in ms (make this once per second)
# Note - time_sleep(1000) does not seem to work, should this be 100 ?
   use_fqdn(yes);  # use fully qualified domain names
   ts_format(iso);  # use ISO8601 timestamps
   # for normal load
   flush_lines (10); # number of lines to buffer before writing to disk
   # for heavy load
   #flush_lines (1000); # number of line to buffer before writing to disk
   stats_freq(3600);  # number of seconds between syslog-ng internal stats events; these are useful
                               # for ensuring syslog-ng is not getting overloaded
# /tmp/dq2logs.socket is the destination of 'tail -F dq2logfile | logger -t dq2 -u /tmp/dq2logs.socket' (See boot script below)
source dq2log_src { 
# syslog-ng internal logs; useful for testing syslog-ng config
source syslog_ng {
# define the Forwarding Destination
destination dq2log_dst { 
       tcp("" port(5142)); 
destination syslog_ng_dst {
  file ("/tmp/syslog-ng.log" perm(0644) );
# forward sources to destination
log { 
   source(dq2log_src); destination(dq2log_dst); flags(flow-control);
# for syslog-ng debugging
log {
  source(syslog_ng); destination(syslog_ng_dst);

Boot script for the DQ2 service host

Capture and forward dq2 subscription logfile (subscriptions.log).

#! /bin/sh
# Source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
# check config and programs
test -s ${config}         || {
    echo 1>&2 "${config} does not exist"
    if test "$1" == "stop" ; then exit 0 ; else exit 6 ; fi
test -x ${BINDIR}/$syslog || {
    echo 1>&2 "${BINDIR}/$syslog is not installed"
    if test "$1" == "stop" ; then exit 0 ; else exit 5 ; fi
case "$1" in
#       startproc -u nobody -p ${syslog_pid} ${BINDIR}/${syslog} -f $config
       daemon ${BINDIR}/${syslog} "-f $config"  
       echo  "Starting syslog-ng service"
       # create streams for log files here; note dq2 is a tag for the source.
       tail -F /opt/ddm/config/MWT2_UC/subscriptions.log | logger  -t dq2 -u /tmp/dq2logs.socket > /tmp/syslog-ng-tailer.log 2>&1 &
       echo "Shutting down syslog-ng service"
       # killproc ${syslog_pid} TERM
       killproc ${syslog} TERM 
       echo "restarting syslog-ng service"
       $0 stop
       $0 start
       echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
       exit 1

Boot script for the DQ2 service host (Patrick's version)

Reflects changes in to the init.d script so that:
  • We can use chkconfig/service to manage the init.d script
  • The syslog-ng service runs as user nobody
  • The tail command runs as user nobody

#! /bin/sh
# chkconfig: 345 99 99
# description: syslog-ng-ddm v2
# Provides: syslog-ng-ddm
# Default-Start: 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 1 2 6
# Description: syslog-ng
# Source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
# check config and programs
test -s ${config}         || {
    echo 1>&2 "${config} does not exist"
    if test "$1" == "stop" ; then exit 0 ; else exit 6 ; fi
test -x ${BINDIR}/$syslog || {
    echo 1>&2 "${BINDIR}/$syslog is not installed"
    if test "$1" == "stop" ; then exit 0 ; else exit 5 ; fi
case "$1" in
       daemon --user nobody ${BINDIR}/${syslog} "-f $config"  
       echo  "Starting syslog-ng service"
       # create streams for log files here
       # Note: should check if tail's are already running before starting up them up
       su nobody -s /bin/bash -c "tail -F /opt/dq2_0.2.12/config/UTA_SWT2/subscriptions.log | logger  -t dq2 -u /tmp/dq2logs.socket > /tmp/syslog-ng-tailer.log 2>&1 &"
       echo "Shutting down syslog-ng service"
       # killproc ${syslog_pid} TERM
       killproc ${syslog} TERM 
       echo "restarting syslog-ng service"
       $0 stop
       $0 start
       echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
       exit 1

Configuration of central logging host

This will be * /working/syslog-ng/dq2/logfiles - this can contain, eg., dq2 related logfiles from all dq2 site services instances.

This configuration file will go into /opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf:

options {
   time_sleep(50);  # polling interval, in ms (helps reduce CPU)
   create_dirs(yes);  # create output directories
   use_fqdn(yes);  # use fully qualified domain names
   ts_format(iso);  # use ISO8601 timestamps (syslog-ng 2.0 only)
   # for normal load
   flush_lines (10); # number of line to buffer before writing to disk
   # for heavy load
   #flush_lines (1000); # number of line to buffer before writing to disk
   flush_timeout(500); # in ms
# define the source: any host sending to port 5142
source network {
   tcp(port(5142) max-connections(500));
   internal();  # internal syslog-ng messages
# Define the destination, automatically creating new directories
#    for each month and new host.
destination dq2logs {
     file ("/working/syslog-ng/dq2/logfiles/$YEAR.$MONTH/dq2.$HOST.log"
           perm(0644) dir_perm(0755) create_dirs(yes)
          template("$ISODATE $HOST $MSG\n") );
log { source(network);
     destination(dq2logs); flags (flow-control);

Bootscript for the central logging host

Note - this is a special central logging host - it also hosts OSG-VTB gatekeeper services, so we may also collecting globus-gatekeeper, gridftp, and container logfiles.

#! /bin/sh
# Source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
# check config and programs
test -s ${config}         || {
    echo 1>&2 "${config} does not exist"
    if test "$1" == "stop" ; then exit 0 ; else exit 6 ; fi
test -x ${BINDIR}/$syslog || {
    echo 1>&2 "${BINDIR}/$syslog is not installed"
    if test "$1" == "stop" ; then exit 0 ; else exit 5 ; fi
case "$1" in
#       startproc -u nobody -p ${syslog_pid} ${BINDIR}/${syslog} -f $config
       daemon ${BINDIR}/${syslog} "-f $config"
       echo  "Starting syslog-ng service"
       echo "Shutting down syslog-ng service"
       killproc ${syslog} TERM
       # should the tails get killed off too? If so, what is the best way to do this? Possibly 
       #  should move the tail commands to a separate boot script that runs after this script
       echo "restarting syslog-ng service"
       $0 stop
       $0 start
       echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
       exit 1


Write a message into the dq2 socket on the source host (the dq2 service host):
[root@uct2-grid1 syslog-ng]# /usr/bin/logger -t test -u /tmp/dq2logs.socket "this is a test message"

On the destination side (the central logging host), check to see that the message arrived. This directory /working/syslog-ng/dq2/logfiles/2007.03 was created. Then [root@uct3-edge6 2007.03]$grep test yields:
2007-03-27T08:39:24-05:00 test: this is a test message
Message arrived. DONE

Repeating this test with a very long (>400 bytes) message shows that messages are getting truncated. The syslog-ng docs say that the default message length limit is 8192 bytes, but this does not seem to match experiment. I am currently investigating... Charles

The truncation is in the "logger" program. Patch at


-- RobGardner - 20 Mar 2007
Topic revision: r12 - 06 Jun 2007, CharlesWaldman
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