Splunk 3.0 Beta
May 2007
Splunk is the search engine for IT data.

Splunk can index any data for which it has read access.  If you 
don't give it sufficient privileges, you may not be able to search 
all log files, network ports or database tables.

First time run instructions:
    1. For tarball installations only:
        a. Edit the file ./bin/setSplunkEnv to set the value of 
           $SPLUNK_HOME to this directory.
        b. Follow the instructions in ./etc/init.d/README to set 
           up Splunk to start at boot.
    2. If you have a Splunk Professional license, replace 
       ./etc/splunk.license with your license.
    3. Start the server with the command "./bin/splunk start" and 
       follow instructions.
    4. Open http://:8000 in a browser. Your hostname 
       and port may vary.

License key             ./etc/splunk.license
License purchase        www.splunk.com/store
Free trial              www.splunk.com/store/trial

Unix processes
    Server daemon       ./bin/splunkd
    Web interface       ./bin/twistd

Command line interface  ./bin/splunk
Help                    ./bin/splunk help

Web interface           http://:8000

(Splunk Professional license only)
    Default username        admin
    Default password        changeme

Man pages               ./man
Documentation           http://splunk.com/r/docs
Support resources       http://splunk.com/r/support

-- RobGardner - 06 Jun 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 06 Jun 2007, RobGardner
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