Minutes Mar 1
- Routing fixed: if you have an external IP you need to set the internal IP (you need to have an internal IP for Cobbler installation) statically, else DHCP is undoing the route
- Boot sequence
- Netboot with internal IP
- Statically set all the internal/external IP
- If you did not set the static IP, DHCP sets the 6509 as gateway and external routing is not working
- Install documentation in http://twiki.mwt2.org/bin/view/Admins/NewCobblerNode
- Separate repo for the ITB
- Newer version of Torque and Maui
- Setup puppet rules: Condor WN, scheduler, ...
- rules following Nate convention: ";;ITB"
Nate suggest to use ";;ITB" for the Puppet rules, Puppet prefers no dashes, same as ";;UC" and ";;IU"
There is a CVS checking problem with Puppet
Set the owner explicitly in the Puppet file (owner=root)
- old files have owner of the file set, not in the file
- files are frequently system files (owned by root) and it is strange to check files in CVS as root
- anyway would be to time consuming to update all and things work
- can't check in files (owned by a 3rd party) third party conflict when trying to check-in ITB files in CVS
- if the modules are owned by someone else than the file owner there is a conflict
- fix: move the file somewhere else, do a CVS update, move the file back in
- newer files should set the owner explicitly
Revision management used for Puppet at the moment does not work
Current procedure:
- Nate is editing on the flight to be more responsive
- when it works, it is checked in in CVS
Suchandra's proposal:
- setup Puppet as working form a checked out version as root
- write a script to run as root that checks out the CVS to the running Puppet (and restarts Puppet with the new configuration)
- people edit the configuration in their home directory and check the code in once that thy verify that works
- the script is run to have Puppet using the new configuration
Cobbler integrated with Puppet -
No separate Puppet for ITB
edge7 and c018 are not using edge4 as home dir server any more
Aaron and Nate installed xrootd:
* 4 machines on kvm1: data server and 3 pools, using the ITB names
* wrote puppet rules to provision from scratch (redirector and data server)
* version is 3.0.3.pre8 packaged from UCSD - this is a prerelease, latest officially tagged by Andy release is 3.0.2 and is available from VDT
Disk allocation:
- we have 2 trays, 3 pools, one spans 2 trays. 10 TB total on the trays
- changes:
- deallocate current partitions
- split in 4 partitions/pools
- one will be unallocated
Plan for the week
- Merge the tables, then pass to Nate to update and fix the table
- Puppet
- check a way to verify Puppet rules
- check into Puppet checkout (/etc/puppet and CVS)
- propose it and see if it can work
- email about xrootd version - VDT version
- install ui-gwms
- ask for IP for ui-cr, start deployment
- move panda and ITB robot to point to the new machine
- SRM tester - automatic tester for SRM (from Alex)
- update the merged machine table
- Change UC_ITB_EDGE7 on edge7 to UC_ITB on itbv-ce-pbs
- Suchandra will send an email with exact request to Alden with us in CC
- Nate will work with Charles, Alden and Hiro?
- changes to TiersOfAtlas (topology for DQ2, CVS at CERN)
- changes to scheddb (queue configuration for Panda, CVS at CERN, Panda reads the updated one automatically)
- See partitioning above
Go to the Tier 3 node matrix and see how to use the nodes that have been freed up
xrootd (Nate, Suchandra, Marco, Aaron)
- reinstall 3 pool machines on itb-kvm1
- use the MD1000 disks (1/3 of each allocated pool)
- latest RPM from VDT
- reinstall redirector on itb-kvm2
- Test once the machine are installed
- xrdcp regular/secure directory, cp test on the machine with xrootd-fs (Marco)
- xrootd redirector on itb-kvm3
- xrootd server on itb-kvm1, 3 of them
- xrootd-fs on itbv-bmx
Move panda and ITB robot to point to the new machine
ITB machines are sharing OSG_DATA from the Tier 2
/export/osgvo - home directory for the OSG VO
OSG_APP and OSG_DATA are still shared between the Tier 2, Tier 3 and ITB
- start with a clean OSG_DATA
- start with a clean OSG_APP
- use only CVMFS for ATLAS - it is already configured like that in Panda
Move the NFS server off itb1(virtual) to itb2 (physical)
- prefer that to be on a physical machine
- long term
- itb2 is not part of the 101 vlan
End game:
- functional Panda endpoint
- functional dCache, xroot, hadoop
- worker nodes and head-nodes up and running
- some more monitoring
- use CVMFS (Sara has CVMFS rules)
- UI machines: glidein-wms (collector, vo-frontend, server)
Panda queue is using the Tier 2 storage
- run Panda ITB robot jobs
- we have 48 job slots
Meeting with Anita Nicolish on Thursday 9am
- campus grid
- resource dedicated as a primer
Talk to a campus meeting on 3/30
NISGrid joint meeting with Site Admins during the Summer (July/August)
- track on campus-grid
- track on cluster management
- typical OSG fundamentals
- job submission on the Grid
Presentation layer for MWT2 and OSG-ITB
- Drupal on itb3
- content management system
- way to provide a frontend
- way to manage other content, e.g. a blog (to stash plots, ...)
- alternatives: Wordpress, Joomla
OSG blog is on blogspot, really easy to do
Splunk running on edge5 an on grid8
MarcoMambelli - 15 Mar 2011