******************************************** *** Input file registration for Higgs WG *** *** written by Junichi TANAKA *** ******************************************** Filenaming convention = "GeneratorName.DatasetID.PhysicsName._[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].tar.gz" for example, Acer33.006540.Zb._00002.tar.gz We use the following 4 commands in this order. 1. CastorLevel_CopyInputFiles.sh 2. CastorLevel_CheckInputFiles.sh 3. CastorLevel_MakeInputFileList.sh 4. CastorLevel_CheckInputFileList.sh You send a file, which is made in step "3.", to us. Example: in this example, we assume that - we have Acer33.006540.Zb._*.tar.gz files in /home/jtanaka/InputFiles/006540/ in local disk. - we want to copy them to CERN castor area. 0. (AT local node) setup GRID environment, for example, source /afs/cern.ch/project/gd/LCG-share/sl4/etc/profile.d/grid_env.sh or source /afs/cern.ch/project/gd/LCG-share/sl3/etc/profile.d/grid_env.sh 0. "CopyFromDiskToGrid" command should be in your $PATH for example, export PATH=$PATH:$PWD to add the currect directory to your $PATH. Note: "step-0" is necessary for only "step-1". (we will use grid-tools in "step-1".) 1. (AT local node) copy files to castor-grid. ./CastorLevel_CopyInputFiles.sh DatasetName DirectoryAtLocalDisk (ex) ./CastorLevel_CopyInputFiles.sh Acer33.006540.Zb /home/jtanaka/InputFiles/006540/ 2. (AT lxplus.cern.ch) check if input files are copied correctly. ./CastorLevel_CheckInputFiles.sh DatasetName (ex) ./CastorLevel_CheckInputFiles.sh Acer33.006540.Zb 3. (AT local node) make an info file("InputFileList"), that is, name, md5checksum and size ./CastorLevel_MakeInputFileList.sh DirectoryInLocal > DS0123.txt (ex) ./CastorLevel_MakeInputFileList.sh /home/jtanaka/InputFiles/006540/ > DS6540.txt 4. (AT lxplus.cern.ch) check if input files are copied correctly again. ./CastorLevel_CheckInputFileList.sh InputFileList (ex) ./CastorLevel_CheckInputFileList.sh DS6540.txt 5. send a file("InputFileList") to us. (ex) send DS6540.txt to us.