# Author: Ketevi A. Assamagan # BNL, June 12, 2004 # get a handle on the ServiceManager which holds all the services from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr # Event selector import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool #EventSelector.BackNavigation = True # Particle Properties from PartPropSvc.PartPropSvcConf import PartPropSvc # the POOL converters include( "ParticleBuilderOptions/ESD_PoolCnv_jobOptions.py" ) include( "ParticleBuilderOptions/AOD_PoolCnv_jobOptions.py") #include( "ParticleBuilderOptions/McAOD_PoolCnv_jobOptions.py") include( "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py" ) # The AOD input file #ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "AOD.pool.root" ] #The following five lines # 1) supply a tag file as input in place of an AOD file; # 2) let the EventSelector know that the input is a tag file; # 3) tell the EventSelector which reference to use (tags can also navigate to ESD and RAW); # 4) specify a filter predicate; # 5) add a "ReadCatalog" in which the AOD files pointed to by the tags have been registered ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "mytags.pool.root" ] ServiceMgr.EventSelector.CollectionType = "ExplicitROOT" ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RefName = "StreamAOD" # already from ELSSI ServiceMgr.EventSelector.Query = "RunNumber==003070 && NLooseElectron>2" #ServiceMgr.PoolSvc.ReadCatalog += [ "xmlcatalog_file:/users/malon/FDR1Tags/PoolFileCatalog.xml" ] # Athena-Aware NTuple making Tools CBNTAthenaAware = True include ("CBNT_Athena/CBNT_AthenaAware_jobOptions.py") include ("CBNT_Athena/CBNT_EventInfo_jobOptions.py") # list of the algorithms to be executed at run time from UserAnalysis.UserAnalysisConf import AnalysisSkeleton CBNT_AthenaAware += AnalysisSkeleton() ############# The properties of the AnalysisSkeleton Algorithm #CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.MCParticleContainer = "SpclMC" CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.ElectronContainer = "ElectronAODCollection" CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.DeltaRMatchCut = 0.2 CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.MaxDeltaR = 0.9999 CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.ElectronEtCut = 10.0*GeV CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.ElectronEtaCut = 2.5 CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.ElectronCone = 0.9 CBNT_AthenaAware.AnalysisSkeleton.OutputLevel = DEBUG ########################################## # setup TTree registration Service # save ROOT histograms and Tuple from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc ServiceMgr += THistSvc() ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output = [ "AANT DATAFILE='AnalysisSkeleton.aanB1.root' OPT='RECREATE'" ] from AnalysisTools.AnalysisToolsConf import AANTupleStream topSequence += AANTupleStream() topSequence.AANTupleStream.ExtraRefNames = [ "StreamESD","Stream1" ] topSequence.AANTupleStream.OutputName = 'AnalysisSkeleton.aanB1.root' topSequence.AANTupleStream.WriteInputDataHeader = True topSequence.AANTupleStream.OutputLevel = WARNING # Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL ) ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = ERROR ServiceMgr.EventSelector.OutputLevel = INFO ServiceMgr.PoolSvc.OutputLevel = INFO # Number of Events to process theApp.EvtMax = 50000000 ###################### For interactive analysis #include ("PyAnalysisCore/InitPyAnalysisCore.py") ###################### Detail time measurement and auditors # Use auditors #theApp.AuditAlgorithms=True #theApp.Dlls += [ "GaudiAud" ] from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc.Auditors += [ "ChronoAuditor"] AthenaPoolCnvSvc = Service("AthenaPoolCnvSvc") AthenaPoolCnvSvc.UseDetailChronoStat = TRUE #StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" ) #StoreGateSvc.Dump = True #MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG