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Results from Main web retrieved at 08:33 (GMT)

ChicagoGroup * Member list: * Set GROUP = Main.RobGardner, Main.MarcoMambelli, Main.RobGardnerUser, Main.MelShochet, JimPilcher, jpilcher, kohei, merritt,...
DSS Definitions Kyle brought up the terms skimming, slimming, and thinning during a PAT talk at software week. I've been trying to understand the implications on...
GetToKnowDataset How to explore what a dataset is. Dataset has been downloaded with dq2_get, e.g. streamtest.004891.inclJet.merge.TAG.v12000699 Request: * is t...
FY07 Q1 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity from October December, 2006. The deliverables and milestones achieved ar...
FY07 Q2 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from January March, 2007. Tier2 Data Services, see furt...
FY07 Q3 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This report summarizes efforts of Marco Mambelli for the period of actvity from April June, 2007. Distributed Data Servi...
FY07 Q4 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from July September, 2007. Distributed Data Services a...
FY08 Q1 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli WIP This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from October December, 2007. Distributed Data Serv...
FY08 Q2 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from January March, 2008. Distributed Data Services an...
FY08 Q3 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from April June, 2008. Distributed Data Services and D...
FY08 Q4 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from July September, 2008. Distributed Data Services a...
FY09 Q1 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from October December, 2008. Distributed Data Services...
FY09 Q2 Effort Report of Marco Mambelli This effort report covers the period of activity of Marco Mambelli from January March, 2009. Distributed Data Services an...
Files references In the demo page TutorialTag080318 there are references to some files. Here are links to download these files. The name of the link i the full p...
List of Foswiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by ...
Number of topics: 15

Results from DataServices web retrieved at 08:33 (GMT)

How to ... DQ2 at UofC (Subscriptions, ...) The one in this page is an example of how to use DQ2 at UC. It is not aimed to substitute official and more complete ...
Setup of Data Services Machine prototype Introduction A Data Services Machine is meant to be a machine that lives at a Tier2 Center as a VO edge server, dedicate...
DssPrototype Developers Jerry, Jack, Marco Description A simple end to end skimming service prototype. * Create a TAG database, given an AOD. * Process to...
Server * machine: uct2 * tomcat: http://uct2 * athenaeum: http://uct2 Installation ...
Issues Affecting Use of MySQL TAG DB on tier2 06 Basic Info * reader, writer and admin accounts * database = tier2tagdb * Note, the mysql set up by the...
Looking at the TAG Data Root Files The main tool for making plots is root anyway, so one of the first trials was simply to chain together the produced TAG.root ...
User Interface to TAG Data Services Note that this is a list of desireables which will not necessarily be implemented in a prototype but that the prototype shoul...
Using Pathena at the MWT2 This is the description of Pathena given on the DAonPanda pathena is a glue script to submit user defined jobs to distributed analysis ...
Number of topics: 8
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