
[uct3-edge5] /home/marco > . /osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/14.4.0/cmtsite/ -tag=14.4.0,AtlasProduction,32 [uct3-edge5] /home/marco > . /osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/14.4.0/AtlasProduction/14.4.0/AtlasProductionRunTime/cmt/

Error like

"you need to run pathena in a directory under"

means probably that the run directory is not in a subdirectory of CMTPATH

Check files

> for  i in *StreamDPD*; do $i >> pptp; done
> grep "Nbr Events" pptp | awk  '{total+=$3}END{print total}'

E.g. checkfile output
> user09.MarcoMambelli.test.090112.tag.bm1f.98.StreamDPD._00001.pool.root
## opening file [user09.MarcoMambelli.test.090112.tag.bm1f.98.StreamDPD._00001.pool.root]...
## importing ROOT...
## importing ROOT... [DONE]
## opening file [OK]
Size:     4038.147 kb
Nbr Events: 111

     Mem Size       Disk Size        Size/Evt      MissZip/Mem  items  (X) Container Name (X=Tree|Branch)
     364.678 kb        6.212 kb        0.056 kb        0.521      111  (T) DataHeader
      31.948 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000      111  (B) MissingET_p1_MET_RefFinal
     390.089 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000      111  (B) MuonContainer_p4_StacoMuonCollection
      45.316 kb        1.139 kb        0.010 kb        0.543      111  (B) JetKeyDescriptor_p1_JetKeyMap
     691.897 kb        2.407 kb        0.022 kb        0.969      111  (B) Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp1_StacoTrackParticles
     451.356 kb       15.795 kb        0.142 kb        0.487      111  (B) EventInfo_p2_ByteStreamEventInfo
     836.428 kb       40.211 kb        0.362 kb        0.539      111  (B) JetCollection_tlp2_Kt4LCTopoJets
     907.419 kb       93.142 kb        0.839 kb        0.578      111  (B) ElectronContainer_p1_ElectronAODCollection
     554.518 kb      180.098 kb        1.623 kb        0.144      111  (B) egDetailContainer_p1_egDetailAOD
    1402.856 kb      612.943 kb        5.522 kb        0.126      111  (B) CaloClusterContainer_p4_CaloCalTopoCluster
    6585.078 kb     1787.787 kb       16.106 kb        0.273      111  (B) Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp1_TrackParticleCandidate
   12261.583 kb     2739.734 kb       24.682 kb        0.000      111  TOTAL (POOL containers)
## Bye.

pathena -- MarcoMambelli - 30 Jan 2009

This topic: Main > WikiUsers > MarcoMambelli > MyNotes > AthenaNotes
Topic revision: 31 Jan 2009, MarcoMambelli
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